Free or low-cost homeschool resources are available, and we can help you find them. Check our list with helpful details and links.
Adding Quiet Time to Your Homeschool Routine
Adding quiet time to your homeschool routine allows for renewal and exploration. Learn what quiet time looks like and how to implement it.
How Will You Get Your Work Done This Summer?
How will you get your work done this summer when you take a break from homeschooling? Here are three tips to help you find success!
Teach the Child
“Teach the Child” (not the curriculum) is the advice offered by our conference speaker, Sonya Shafer, from Simply Charlotte Mason.
Dressed for Encouragement
Dressed for encouragement? That’s Todd Wilson’s homeschool clothing tip for homeschoolers, and you’ll smile when you learn why.
Homeschooling with Technology
Homeschooling with technology can be a challenge. Kathy Koch warns against 5 Tech Lies and shares 5 Tech Tips for using technology wisely.
Planning for Homeschool High School
Planning for homeschool high school requires a “big picture” approach. Kristin Lackie shares 3 vital guidelines to help you plan effectively.
Homeschool Testing Can Provide Feedback and Protect Freedom
Homeschool Testing Can Provide Feedback and Protect Freedom. Yes, it can do both! Learn how standardized testing can help your family and others, too.
How to Homeschool in Iowa
How to Homeschool in Iowa? Here are the 5 simple steps, along with answers to your questions on how to start a successful homeschooling journey.
Tips for Planning Iowa Field Trips
Tips for planning Iowa field trips are the focus of our interview with Iowa homeschooling mom, Jen Ciha, a homeschool field trips expert.