CPI Option 1 with Parent-Selected Teacher
Choice #4
CPI Option 1 with Parent-Selected Teacher
Choice #4
Here are details about
CPI Option 1 with Parent-Selected Teacher:
- Initial reporting required
If your child is of compulsory school attendance age (6-16), you'll need to file, in duplicate, a CPI Report Form A (available in the Tool Kit below) with your resident school district by September 1 at the beginning of each school year.If you start homeschooling during the school year, the form is to be at least partially completed and filed within 14 days, and fully completed and filed within 30 calendar days, of removing the child from an Iowa accredited school or moving to Iowa.
If you are using CPI Option 1, you must complete the CPI Form A item asking for a licensed teacher’s name and folder number.
- Visits with supervising teacher required
CPI Option 1 includes requirements for supervising teacher visits.Privately-retained supervising teachers must meet with the student and parent at least twice every 45 days of instruction (one out of every two visits must be face-to-face).
The supervising teacher must have a valid Iowa teaching certificate or practitioner license appropriate to the grade level of the student. This includes an Iowa substitute teaching license and the substitute authorization.
See FAQ sections below for details about supervising teachers duties and qualifications.
- Access is available to dual enrollment
Public school services, activities, classes, or Senior Year Plus options are available.
MORE INFORMATION - Access available for driver education
Parents using any homeschool option in Iowa may access public school driver education or parent-taught driver education.
MORE INFORMATION - Access to free public school standardized testing.
Parents using any homeschool option in Iowa may request free public school standardized testing, but testing is not a legal requirement for this option.
- Instructional days specified by law
Parents using any CPI option must provide instruction for at least 148 days per school year, with at least 37 days per quarter, but there is no legally-defined mechanism for verification. - No school subject requirements
The law and rules do not include a list of required subjects, but CPI Form A, which must be filed for this option, does require an attached plan of instruction.
- Parents may homeschool students with special educational needs.
While using CPI Option 1, public school and/or AEA services are available through dual enrollment, if desired.
Even though I was talking to myself, I’m not crazy.
I'm a homeschool mom,
and that was just a parent-teacher conference.
CPI Option 1 with Parent-Selected Teacher Tools
Competent Private Instruction Report [Form A]
The Competent Private Instruction Report [Form A] is published by the Department of Education for use by parents providing CPI with reporting.
The DE released a new non-dated CPI Form A on August 9, 2022. The Homeschool Iowa Advocacy Team notified the DE that the form contained errors, such as marking fields as required without basis in law or rule. Ten days later, the DE published a revised form, available below. The form still has some areas of concern, but many of the serious errors were corrected. Please read the Instructional Program Form section to the right before completing the CPI Form A.
If you're a Homeschool Iowa member, you can access a fillable (type-in) version of the revised form via the button below (if you are logged into the Member Portal).
This newly updated form, designed by Homeschool Iowa and reviewed by Home School Legal Defense Association, has been used for decades to comply with the requirement on the CPI Form A for an "outline of the courses of study, including subjects covered, lesson plans, and time spent on the areas of study – and the titles and authors or publishers of the texts to be used." Chapter 31.2(1)(a)
On the new CPI Form A, you may write "See attached sheet" in the table provided in Item #5 and attach the completed Outline of Course of Study form.
This will provide full compliance with the CPI Form A Instructional Program Information item. (No further followup filing is required.)
This document must be filed with your CPI form if you intend to use the exemption for immunizations.
Note: If you're a Homeschool Iowa member, you can access a fillable (type-in) version of this form via the Member Portal.
Privacy Form for Dual-Enrolled Student
This optional form is recommended to protect your family's privacy. It informs school officials that you want protections afforded by federal and state laws and that you do not want any information concerning your enrolled child -- including directory information -- to be released to anyone without your prior consent.
Note: If you're a Homeschool Iowa member, you can access a fillable (type-in) version of this form via the Member Portal.
This form may be used by a parent when filing the Competent Private Instruction (CPI) Form A.
Ask the school district official receiving your CPI Form to sign the receipt, and retain this receipt with your homeschool records.
Note: If you're a Homeschool Iowa member, you can access a fillable (type-in) version of this form via the Member Portal.
This optional contract, created with the help of Home School Legal Defense Association, can be used to clarify the arrangements between homeschooling parents and supervising teachers.
Note: If you're a Homeschool Iowa member, you can access a fillable (type-in) version of this form via the Member Portal.
This optional easy-to-use form is offered to help supervising teachers keep the required log of their visits with homeschooling families using CPI Option 1.
Note: If you're a Homeschool Iowa member, you can access a fillable (type-in) version of this form via the Member Portal.
Supervising teacher and homeschooling mom Terri Miller shares suggestions and tips on how to find a supervising teacher, what to look for in a supervising teacher, and how homeschooling families and supervising teachers can best work together.
Department of Education Private Instruction Handbook
This Department of Education publication provides information for parents and school district officials on private instruction, including Competent Private Instruction (CPI) and Independent Private Instruction (IPI).
NOTE: The 2021-2022 Private Instruction Handbook is the newest version available.
The Homeschool Iowa Legal Summary
A brief summary of the legal requirements and options for home educators in Iowa.
The Homeschool IOwA Resource Guide
Homeschool Iowa members have access to this helpful two-page guide listing homeschool curricula, materials, periodicals, catalog companies, and other resources. Website links are included. Not a member? Join now!

Parent-Selected Supervising Teacher FAQs
©Homeschool Iowa