The golden opportunity of summer is the perfect time to identify, explore, and encourage your homeschool child’s special gifts.
Homeschool Flood Victim Relief
Homeschool Flood Victim Relief is your opportunity to help homeschooling families replace curriculum lost in the recent flooding disaster.
Equipped for the Future
Equipped for the future is how every homeschooling family should be, and Homeschool Iowa is dedicated toward making that a reality.
Cultivating Unity Among Siblings
Cultivating unity among siblings in your homeschool family? Guest blog author and featured conference speaker, Ginger Hubbard, shares how.
Inspire Your Child to Love Learning
Inspire your child to love learning by using these 6 tips from our guest blog author and featured conference speaker, Kim Sorgius Jones.
Homeschool Pioneers Ron and Nancy Shuler
Homeschool Pioneers Ron and Nancy Shuler helped blaze a trail for Iowa homeschooling families. Read their inspiring story in our blog.
Adding Quiet Time to Your Homeschool Routine
Adding quiet time to your homeschool routine allows for renewal and exploration. Learn what quiet time looks like and how to implement it.
Why I’m Thankful To Be Homeschooled
Why I’m Thankful to Be Homeschooled? Let Karli count the ways that she has been positively impacted by her homeschool experience.
Iowa Homeschool Graduate Elected Attorney General
An Iowa homeschool graduate has been elected attorney general in Iowa. Brenna Bird’s story will inspire homeschool parents and their students.
Homeschool Stress Relief
Homeschool stress relief tips can change chaos to calm and pressure to peace. Try some or all of our 7 options for stress relief!