An increasing number of parents are discovering that homeschooling can serve as an excellent means to provide for their children's special education needs.
Many resources, tools, and services are available to meet special learning challenges, and the one-on-one environment is ideal for students with learning struggles
Parents choose whether or not they will use the special services offered through the public school or Area Education Agency (AEA).
Using Public School and AEA Special Education Services

If you want to use public school or Area Education Agency (AEA) services for your child with special education needs, you must dual enroll your child in the public school by using one of the Competent Private Instruction (CPI) legal options that require the filing of a CPI form.
Indicate on the form if your child has already been identified by the public school system as a child requiring special services.
Independently Providing for Your Child's Special Education Needs

Parents of a homeschooled child with a learning disability are not required to seek assistance or approval from the local school district or area education agency. (Find resources below.)
If you use the Independent Private Instruction (IPI) option or the CPI Option 2 with Opt-Out, you do not need to report any of your child's special education needs to your school district.
Even if you use CPI Option 1 or CPI Option 2 with Opt-In Reporting, you are not required to use public school and/or AEA special education services for your child.
Simply mark the special education item on the CPI Form to indicate that you do not consent to initial evaluation and/or reevaluation of the child as a means to access public school or AEA special education services.

Erin is a wife of 25 years. She's been a stay-at-home homeschooling mom to three of her five children, two of whom have graduated from high school. Three of her children have special needs, and she has gained extensive experience in meeting special learning challenges and adapting a homeschool educational setting to the needs of special learners.
Erin has also served as a presenter for our Homeschool Iowa Conference Make & Take Workshops, offering training for producing lapbooks.
- Autism
- Auditory Processing
- Nonverbal Learning Disorder
- Speech Therapy

Kim has been married for 30 years and has two children who have both graduated. Even so, Kim notes that, for a special needs mom, the learning never ends!
She has encouraged both homeschool and public school special needs moms for many years. Kim also worked as a parent partner for the AEA, going with families to IEP meetings as an advocate.
- Physical Disabilities
- Intellectual Disabilities
- Cerebral Palsy
- Sensory Processing Disorder
- Auditory Processing Disorder
- Autism Spectrum
- Accessibility Issues
- Special Needs Adoption
- Anxiety
Special Needs Advisors
are available to
all current HOMESCHOOL IOWA Members
Click on the button below to submit your inquiry to our Special Needs Advisors.
Please note that our Advisors are happy to assist you with your questions about homeschooling special needs children, but they are not able to provide diagnostic advice or design IEPs.
“Every child is a gift.
They just unwrap their packages at different times.”
Help When Experiencing Difficulties with School District Officials
If we are able, Homeschool Iowa will assist you in dealing with challenges with your school district due to homeschooling a special needs student. We also recommend that you contact HSLDA. They have expert experience dealing with legal issues related to homeschooling special needs students and can be very helpful.
Resources Available to Parents Homeschooling a Special Needs Child
Home education is increasingly recognized as a highly effective means of providing focused instruction and training for children with special education needs. Below we have listed organizations that may be helpful. Some of the included resources are Christian and some are secular. Investigate and use discernment as to whether these resources are useful to your particular situation.
A website offering educational and nutritional counseling designed to dramatically improve your child’s learning and behavior.
Targeted website section devoted to special needs homeschooling. Included are resources for a wide variety of special education needs.
Publisher of a special needs collection, including resources on autism, ADHD, Down's Syndrome, and more.
A fee-based program based on one-on-one training to build cognitive skills required for learning
Local learning center clinics providing individualized, and often one-on-one tutoring

Special Assistance for Students with Special Needs Who Want to Attend College
Did you know that over 10% of college undergraduates have disabilities? Many colleges provide services that address accessibility, accommodation, and assistive technology for a diverse range of needs.
And here's college funding help for special needs students:
Reading List for Those Considering Home Educating a Child with Special Needs:
- Home Schooling Children With Special Needs by Sharon Hensley
- Slow and Steady Get Me Ready by June Oberlander
- Homeschooling the Challenging Child: A Practical Guide by Christine M. Field
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