Preserving Homeschool Freedom for the Next Generation

Preserving Homeschooling Freedom

Some policymakers are trying to use recent heartbreaking deaths of two young women as “examples of homeschooling gone wrong,” suggesting that ALL home educating parents should be uniformly suspected as abusers and, therefore, their children should be subjected to individual investigation.

Divine Appointments

Divine Appointments

Divine appointments, instances of God’s hand directing our homeschooling, are incredible experiences. Here’s an example. I reacted with surprise when I saw the name appear on my phone as I reached to answer it. The call was from a homeschooling friend – one who had started homeschooling when I had, back in the 1980’s. I hadn’t seen her or talked … Read More

Taking the Step of Faith

Taking the Step of Faith

As I prepare to resume our homeschooling life adventures after Christmas break, I’m reminded of the thoughts that ran through my mind almost 30 years ago when I first considered home education for our oldest child. TAKING THE STEP WITHOUT CERTAINTY   Homeschooling was unusual back then. Homeschooling was an unknown back then. In fact, homeschooling was essentially illegal back … Read More

What Not to Do This Christmas Break

Homeschool Christmas Break

Ready to take a long-anticipated Christmas break from your homeschooling efforts? Just say “No!” to these 3 homeschooling mom tendencies.

Reviewing Parent-Taught Driver Education

It’s been just over two years since the State of Iowa instituted parent-taught driver education as a means to prepare homeschooled students seeking intermediate driver’s licenses. Many homeschooled students have successfully completed the process and obtained their licenses. Prescribed Procedures or Over-Reaching Oversight? After the parent-taught driver education legislation passed in 2013, the Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) promulgated administrative rules to … Read More