2020 Connect

Homeschool Iowa Connect offers encouragement and fellowship for homeschooling parents – with a Homeschooling 101 session and shopping area included!

Book Recommendations

Looking for good books for your students to read? Searching for potential read-aloud books to share with your family? Check out our team’s book recommendations.

Christmas Giveaway 2019

Homeschool Iowa Christmas Giveaway 2019 starts Monday, November 29. Randomly-selected participants will win exciting gifts for Iowa homeschooliing families.

Iowa Youth Straw Poll 2019

Sign your student up for the Iowa Youth Straw Poll by October 29 and check out the FREE online Elections 101 curriculum from the Iowa Secretary of State.

2019 Homeschool Iowa Conference

Julie NaberhausLeave a Comment

The event of the year for Iowa homeschooling families. Plan to attend the 2019 Homeschool Iowa Conference on June 6-8 at Valley Church in West Des Moines.

Thumbs Up for a Great Year!

We know you’re busy right now. It’s the Christmas season and the end of the calendar year. So here’s a quick (but important) announcement.