2020 Capitol Day: Virtual Version

2020 Capitol Day: Virtual Version! Due to coronavirus concerns, Homeschool Iowa has moved our annual event online. Check out what is available!

Valor Logo & Coloring Contest

We invite kids to submit logo ideas & coloring pages for our 2020 Homeschooling Iowa Conference KIDS TREK children’s program. Submission Deadline: April 2

Jury Simulation Teen Event

Homeschool Iowa presents iObject, a grand jury simulation event instructed by Generation Joshua and sponsored by Americans for Prosperity Foundation Iowa.

2019 Conference Highlights

Nearly 1300 registered attendees received an inspiring dose of encouragement and motivation at the 2019 Homeschool Iowa Conference. Here are highlights!

How to Rock the Conference

Here are 9 top tips to help you rock the 2019 Homeschool Iowa Conference on June 6-8 at Valley Church in West Des Moines.

2019 Conference

You’ll sink your roots deep into inspiring sources of encouragement and motivation for your homeschool adventures at the 2019 Homeschool Iowa Conference on June 6-8 at Valley Church in West Des Moines!

2018 Conference Highlights

Over 1200 homeschooling attendees experienced an inspiring dose of encouragement and motivation at the 2018 Homeschool Iowa Conference. Check out these highlights!

2018 Conference

Whether you’re just starting to homeschool or you’ve been at it for many years, you’ll want to devote some time to renew, refresh, and recharge before the new school year starts.
We have just the means to help you do that, helping you to transform your homeschooling efforts and outcomes: The 2018 Homeschool Iowa Conference!

Homeschooling the Next Generation

Homeschooling the Next Generation

While scrolling down the Facebook news feed recently, an old, familiar image appeared. It was a grainy photo of the first NICHE graduation in 1995.