Looking for good books for your students to read? Searching for potential read-aloud books to share with your family? Check out our team’s book recommendations.
Implementing Charlotte Mason
Implementing the Charlotte Mason method in her homeschool has been a family learning adventure for our guest blogger, Nicolle. What’s worked and what hasn’t?
What’s Your Style?
What’s Your Style? Learn about 7 homeschool styles or teaching approaches. Helpful links and 3 challenges & strengths are included for each.
Which Forms Do I File with the School?
What will your homeschool look like in the coming year? Here’s some “expert advice” from Nancy Bjorkman, an incredible source of wisdom and encouragement.
Homeschool Advice from an Expert
What will your homeschool look like in the coming year? Here’s some “expert advice” from Nancy Bjorkman, an incredible source of wisdom and encouragement.
Shopping for Curriculum
Of course, every child is unique and every homeschool is different, but Kathy Kuhl offers some generalized helpful steps to shopping for homeschool curriculum.
Key to Homeschool Success
The key to homeschool success? What is it? A homeschooling mom with nine children and well over 30 years of experience shares her answer.
College Credit for Homeschooled Students?
Can homeschooled students earn college credits while they’re still being homeschooled? Yes, they can! There are a variety of ways that can be accomplished. Let us help you sort through the possibilities.
6 Suggestions for Summer Sanity
“Summertime, and the living is easy.” So go the words in the well-known song. But in our often hectic modern times, summertime is anything but easy. Here are some tips for summer sanity.
5 Steps to Successfully Conclude Your Homeschool Year
Your homeschool studies are drawing to a close. Are you ready for summer break? Here are 5 steps to help you end your homeschool year well.