Vision for the Future: 2021 End-of-Year Giving Campaign

Vision for the Future: 2021 Homeschool Iowa End-of-Year Giving Campaign
Vision for the Future is the theme for Homeschool Iowa's 2021 End-of-Year Giving Campaign.

Homeschool Iowa
has reached a critical point!

For nearly 30 years,
Homeschool Iowa has been operating primarily
on volunteer effort:
willing, hard-working homeschool families
serving other homeschool families.

It is incredible how much God has blessed this ministry!

As a nonprofit, we forever will be dependent on volunteer effort.

Yet, at this pivotal point,
we believe that the next step
for Homeschool Iowa is to hire a

to better organize, guide, and direct
our existing volunteer team efforts.


Vision for the Future
Vision for the Future: Homeschool Iowa Executive Director

Why is an Executive Director Needed?

At Homeschool Iowa, we have maxed out our current operational capacity.

Homeschooling numbers are increasing at an explosive rate. Homeschool Iowa events and services are being expanded to meet this escalating growth.

Under our current volunteer operations,
we are straining to provide
the top-quality service we are committed to provide
for Iowa homeschooling families.

Volunteer Effort Enhancement

Our key workers, like our board members, event coordinators, event team members, Regional Representatives, Special Needs Advisors, Advocacy Team members, and social media team members serve as volunteers.

These faithful and dedicated individuals do amazing work!

With added direction and oversight provided by an executive director, our volunteer team is certain to operate even more effectively.

Successful State Organization Examples

The Homeschool Iowa Board of Directors has been investigating and pursuing the executive director operational model for many years now.

When studying the most successful state homeschool organizations in the nation, the top factor in their effective operation has been the hiring of an executive director to provide overall focus, direction, and management.

Vision for the Future
2021 Year-End Giving Campaign

Vision for the Future: A Lofty Goal

A Lofty Vision That Can Be Reached!

Yes, we know that this new "Vision for the Future" goal is an elevated and challenging one.

Yet, we are reminded that this is not the first time we've received amazing support from homeschooling families across Iowa for similar lofty visions.

Over the last couple of years,
you answered the call to raise funds for
a part-time paid Homeschool Iowa lobbyist.

Your generous giving provided for much-needed concentrated onsite efforts at the State Capitol.

As a result, our paid lobbyist was able to gain key wins for Iowa homeschooling families:

  • protection for Independent Private Instruction (IPI),
  • expansion of parent-taught driver education,
  • much-needed cleanup of Iowa Code sections relating to home education, and
  • tuition and textbook tax credits access for homeschoolers.

This is just one example of many, where God has blessed and expanded our work when we communicated the vision, and you provided the needed support!

Will You Join Us in Reaching This New Vision?

Will you please partner with us in making this "Vision for the Future" a reality? Would you commit to donating toward funding a part-time executive director position?

Even more importantly, will you please unite with us in praying that God would provide the right person for this position?

With our Matching Donation Program,
your donation can be stretched twice as far.

Your gift of $5, $50, $500, $1000, or even $5000 will be doubled by a matching gift from one of the individuals or businesses committed toward investing in this homeschool vision.

Our goal is to reach $40,000.

Partner with us in this exciting new chapter of growth in the Homeschool Iowa movement!


Be a Part of This Vision for the Future!

Vision for the Future

Use this secure donation form below to make your contribution for the Vision for the Future 2021 End-of-Year Giving Campaign.

Or click here to open the donation form in a new tab on your browser.

While our online giving platform is encrypted and safe, you'll find information on this registration form about how to give by check as well.

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