The Golden Opportunity of Summer

The golden opportunity of summer is the perfect time to identify, explore, and encourage your homeschool child’s special gifts.

Starting Strong

Starting strong is the way we want to begin our homeschooling year! Here’s help from Homeschool Iowa board member and Regional Representative, Jill Oppman.

2020 Connect

Homeschool Iowa Connect offers encouragement and fellowship for homeschooling parents – with a Homeschooling 101 session and shopping area included!

End-of-Year Surveys

End-of-year surveys are a great tool to help you reflect upon and evaluate your school year. And it’s not hard to do. Brigitte shares how!

What Are Your Homeschooling Motives?

Homeschooling dad, grandfather, speaker, and publisher, Steve Lambert, asks an important question. On what are your homeschooling motives based?

God Knows

What can the Little Brown Church in Vale have to do with homeschooling? Our Homeschool Iowa magazine editor, Jenn Warren, will fill you in.

Taking an End-of-the-Year Snapshot

Taking an end-of-the-year snapshot helps you archive homeschool achievements.

If you follow a traditional school year, you’re likely approaching the end of your school year. Set aside some time to celebrate and review your year. Take an end-of-the-year snapshot! You won’t regret it.

6 Suggestions for Summer Sanity

6 Suggestions for Summer Sanity

“Summertime, and the living is easy.” So go the words in the well-known song. But in our often hectic modern times, summertime is anything but easy. Here are some tips for summer sanity.