Homeschool Christmas Gift Guide

Is the thought of coming up with gift ideas for your children giving a Christmas cringe? Are you dreading the accumulation of more “stuff” after the holidays? Would you like ideas for presents that have educational and entertainment value? Use our Homeschool Christmas Gift Guide! Scroll through this list to generate ideas for gifts that keep on giving throughout the year! … Read More

Four Election Day Questions

These simple questions will help you reflect upon the impact of the election and the example our responses provide for our children.

2020 Candidate Survey

Check out our 2020 Candidate Survey results with views on homeschool-related issues from those seeking seats in the Iowa Legislature.


Gameschooling: What is it? And how do you incorporate it into your homeschool? Our guest blogger, Erin, provides the answers.

Celebrate Your New Homeschool Year

Celebrate your new homeschool year using these ideas from our guest blogger, Brigitte. Fun photos, homeschool vision boards, and more!

Homeschooling the Early Years

Getting ready to start your homeschool journey with your preschooler or child in early elementary grades, but don’t know where to begin? Here’s help!

Listen to Your Heart

Listen to your heart when you’re facing tough decisions about your children’s education in the midst of trying times. Todd Wilson shares how.