What are teachable moments? And how can you recognize — and even develop them — to use effectively in your homeschool? Our 2018 Homeschool Iowa Conference speaker Heidi Franz offers help for you!
Impact @ the Capitol
Over 800 homeschoolers from all across the state of Iowa registered to participate in the Homeschool Iowa Capitol Day in Des Moines. Attendees met with their legislators, heard from Governor Reynolds and other elected officials, participated in activities, and shared fellowship with other home educators.
College Credit for Homeschooled Students?
Can homeschooled students earn college credits while they’re still being homeschooled? Yes, they can! There are a variety of ways that can be accomplished. Let us help you sort through the possibilities.
2018 Graduation Services
Homeschooled students in Iowa can experience a memorable graduation experience at the 2018 Homeschool Iowa Graduation services in May. A beautiful ceremony with caps and gowns, the graduation includes a speaker and parents awarding diplomas to the graduates.
2018 Capitol Day
You’ve undoubtedly heard the many attacks on homeschooling freedoms that have been made in recent months.
Some prominent media sources and Iowa legislators have been calling for increased government oversight
of families providing home education outside of the public school system.
Meet the Homeschool Iowa Board
Meet the Homeschool Iowa Board. a terrific team dedicated to encouraging and equipping homeschoolers and protecting home education in Iowa.
Battling Misinformation
The Iowa Legislature is now in session, and we’re hearing that there’s a lot of confusion and misinformation floating around the state capitol building. We shouldn’t be surprised, considering the recent attacks against homeschooling freedom.
Homeschooling & Child Abuse Fatalities
Recent tragic deaths of Iowa teenagers have focused attentions on efforts to identify the causes and propose responses. Because neither were attending an accredited school at the time their distressing deaths occurred, some have called for increased regulation of Iowa homeschooling families.
Check Out Your Library’s Incredible FREE Resources
Check out the many incredible FREE resources available at and through your local public library that can benefit your homeschool.
Be Prepared for IPI As a Legislative Target
As the January 8 opening of the 2018 Iowa Legislative Session approaches, anti-homeschool rumblings can continually be heard. High-profile individuals and organizations are calling for increased regulation and oversight for homeschooling families. In a recent public forum and in a published editorial, the American Association of University Women addressed the topic of homeschooling in Iowa – especially Independent Private Instruction … Read More