The Des Moines Register published an editorial calling for the complete elimination of Independent Private Instruction. Here’s our response.
Homeschool Numbers Increase
Are homeschooling numbers increasing in Iowa? (NICHE) Homeschool Iowa representatives were interviewed in a recent news article addressing that question.
NOTE: If Using CPI Form A
Take Note if you are using the 2018-2019 CPI Form A. The Department of Education has published three versions of this form. Find important information here.
Impact @ the Capitol
Over 800 homeschoolers from all across the state of Iowa registered to participate in the Homeschool Iowa Capitol Day in Des Moines. Attendees met with their legislators, heard from Governor Reynolds and other elected officials, participated in activities, and shared fellowship with other home educators.
2018 Capitol Day
You’ve undoubtedly heard the many attacks on homeschooling freedoms that have been made in recent months.
Some prominent media sources and Iowa legislators have been calling for increased government oversight
of families providing home education outside of the public school system.
Battling Misinformation
The Iowa Legislature is now in session, and we’re hearing that there’s a lot of confusion and misinformation floating around the state capitol building. We shouldn’t be surprised, considering the recent attacks against homeschooling freedom.
Homeschooling & Child Abuse Fatalities
Recent tragic deaths of Iowa teenagers have focused attentions on efforts to identify the causes and propose responses. Because neither were attending an accredited school at the time their distressing deaths occurred, some have called for increased regulation of Iowa homeschooling families.
Public School Alters Form
“Oh, look! The school district included the NICHE IPI form in the information packet they sent me. I’ll just fill it out and send it in.” Sounds simple; right? And how nice that the school district used a NICHE form; right? Not so fast. Let’s take a closer look at the form.
What Can the School Require Homeschooling Families to Submit?
“Can the school require me to provide that information?” “Do I have to file that form?” “Is that a legal mandate?” Homeschool Iowa receives questions like these all year long – but especially at back-to-school time. One of the many services we provide is assistance in clarifying and meeting homeschool legal requirements in Iowa. While the Iowa law and rules … Read More
How Quickly Could Our Homeschooling Freedoms Be Destroyed?
The devastating destruction resulting from a violent storm that struck our farm last week has caused me to think of how quickly life can change. On Thursday afternoon, our crops were healthy and growing. My garden looked beautiful, full of well-tended plants, already yielding produce. On Thursday evening, all was destroyed. Our crops were decimated. My garden was devastated. What does this have … Read More