Homeschool testing can provide feedback and protect freedom.
Yes, it can offer both of those things! Here’s how.
First, let’s look at the feedback benefit.
No matter what homeschooling approach you use, at some point you’ll want feedback to affirm your child is making progress. Standardized testing can be a highly effective tool for this purpose.
Many parents assume that standardized testing is only available through the public school system. However, there is another option.
You can order standardized testing online or by phone and test at home through Homeschool Iowa’s new partnership with BJU Press Homeschool. We are offering a 10% discount to all participants who use our code. Find testing times and details.
What types of feedback
can standardized testing provide?

Homeschool Testing Can Provide a Baseline for Growth
Are you a new homeschooling family? Taking a standardized test at the outset of homeschooling is a great way to identify your child’s baseline learning levels. Against these, you can measure progress made in each completed school year.
Even if you’ve been homeschooling for a while, standardized testing can give you baseline information to use in gauging your child’s academic advancement. Having tangible feedback for every subject is a great tool to help you feel confident in your teaching efforts.
You can make informed decisions
with your child’s test scores in hand.
Not only will you know if there are areas where your child excels, but you’ll spot any areas that need extra attention. Imagine making next year's homeschool plans with confidence. Standardized testing can help you be sure that you are choosing the right materials at the correct levels for each teaching topic you use in your homeschool.

Are You Homeschooling a Struggling Student?
Standardized testing can be a helpful tool if your child struggles academically.
Whether you’ve just removed your child from public school after he has fallen behind peers in classwork or you’ve noticed that your child is challenged by homeschool materials designed for her age group, testing can be a key to creating a plan for success.
Without a clear picture of your student’s abilities,
it is impossible to make
an effective remediation plan.
Parents of struggling students sometimes think that standardized testing isn’t a good fit for their children. However, when you use a private testing service and complete the testing in your home setting for your own informational purposes, the stress factor is greatly reduced.
Using this tool can help you to see whether the materials and methods you have chosen for your struggling learner have been effective or need to be modified to develop skills.

Standardized Testing Can Unlock Access to Honors
Students in public and private high schools have access to a local chapter of the National Honor Society. Based on test scores, students are nominated and accepted on a yearly basis.
Is there a way for homeschooled students to be recognized for their academic accomplishments? Yes, there is! Eta Sigma Alpha National Homeschool Honor Society is a nationwide alternative for high achieving homeschool students.
Standardized test score thresholds define eligibility for the honor society. The feedback you receive by completing standardized testing with your student can provide you with the results you need to help your child apply for honor society membership.
You can read more about the Homeschool Iowa chapter of the Eta Sigma Alpha National Homeschool Honor Society, including its eligibility standards, here.
Why join? Colleges recognize membership in the Honor Society, and it can be listed on your student’s high school transcript. Honor Society members are also recognized for their achievement by being allowed to wear an honors cord when participating in our Homeschool Iowa Graduation service.
We’ve seen how testing can be a useful assessment and informational tool for your homeschool.
Now let’s consider how standardized testing
can provide feedback
protect freedom.

The Homeschool Freedom Academic Achievement Study
There has never been a more important time in history to provide a clear picture of the success of homeschool families. When you choose homeschool standardized testing, you can opt to participate in the new Homeschool Freedom Academic Achievement Study.
Homeschool Iowa is proud to partner with BJU Homeschool, Homeschool Freedom, National Home Education Research Institute, and Family Protection Ministries to conduct this nationwide research project.
Homeschooling families can privately and securely share their aggregate test score data and help with the first nationwide study of homeschoolers in over thirty years.
With continuing attacks on homeschooling,
quality research provides a powerful tool
to protect the freedom
to teach our children at home.

Get the Testing to Help Your Family and Safeguard Homeschool Freedom
It’s clear that homeschool testing can provide feedback and protect freedom!
These benefits are securely and affordably attainable through Homeschool Iowa's new partnership with BJU Press Homeschool Testing Services. Your child can complete the testing in a private setting, and you don’t have to submit or share your results with the government school.
When testing with BJU and participating in the Academic Achievement Study, all of your homeschool testing study data is collected, maintained, and reported anonymously. Personal information and privacy are protected, and scores will be collected for the research project without matching to specific students.
With homeschool standardized testing, you can have a clear picture for each of your students and plan with confidence. It helps you know where your student is achieving success and gives you a clear picture of any academic gaps before they widen.
Homeschool Iowa is proud to provide a way for families to test at home in confidence, knowing their information is private and protected.
We hope you’ll use this opportunity
to realize that homeschool testing
can provide feedback and protect freedom
for your family
and for homeschooling families nationwide.