Homeschool Iowa wants to help our members, friends, and neighbors sort through all of the resources being shared during this unsettling spring of 2020 marked with institutional school closings and social distancing requirements due to COVID-19.
As homeschooling families, we are equipped to handle the education of our kids during "such a time as this," but we too are sorting through a wide variety of new resources and facing disrupted schedules as well.
Homeschool Iowa has responded
with a dedicated Facebook event
and this companion website blog
offering a means
to share resources and ideas
to help families through this challenging time.
Our team has been searching for resources and receiving offers, and we'll be sharing them cumulatively over the coming weeks.
Scroll down this page for ideas in these categories: General, Reading & Writing, Math, Science, Social Studies & History, Health & Fitness, and Crafts & Gardening.
You'll also find a section with Special Offers from our advertisers.
You can continue to check our Facebook event and this website blog for new content.
We're providing FREE downloadable student journals to help your children chronicle their thoughts and experiences during this coronavirus outbreak.
Two versions are available, one for older students (with space for journaling and research) and another for younger ones (with space for drawings).
Use your Homeschool Iowa Member ID to log in on our website Member Portal to download our COVID-19 Student Time Capsules. Not a member? Join now!

Khan Academy is a non-profit offering free lessons, exercises, and mastery challenges for students in kindergarten through early college.
Khan Academy
Ambleside offers this free, user-friendly curriculum plan for parents who need to set up alternative educational arrangements due to disasters or disruptions. All of the texts and materials needed to implement the plan are available free online.
Ambleside Helping Hand Emergency Plan
The well-known kids' radio program Adventures in Odyssey is offering a free 30-day trial, no credit card required. Tip: allow children to play or draw quietly while listening. Pick a consistent time each day, such as after lunch, to give the whole family something to look forward to.
Adventures in Odyssey
Scholastic provides grade level day-to-day projects to help kids keep reading, thinking, and growing.
Scholastic Learn at Home
Here's a blog post from an Iowa homeschooling mom with links to virtual activities.
And here's another offering from an Iowa homeschooling mom blogger that lists over 70 virtual field trips for you and your kids.
Boys Town is offering encouragement and resources to families through its e-newsletter and social media platforms. Here are the first 3 in their series of emails in response to COVID-19 challenges, including sample daily school-at-home schedules, coping skills, and more.
Boys Town Email #1
Boys Town Email #2
Boys Town Email #3
Aardvark to Zucchini
Teach your child to read with The Aardvark to Zucchini Phonetic Alphabet Book. Use coupon code IAHomeSch20 to get 20% offer good through June 30, 2020.
Call 1-800-622-3070 to place an order and receive 20% off and free shipping. (Some exclusions apply.) AOP's friendly homeschool experts can answer your questions.
Bible Quest
Free access to four months of classical-model Bible materials, including maps, songs, and more, scalable for any age.
Use code BIBLIOPLAN15 to get 15% off everything on the BiblioPlan website through the end of April 2020.
Character First
Free online access to basic character building materials, including videos, curriculum, stories and songs.
Christian Service Brigade
For dads and their boys in elementary and middle school: Sample Treks Guides.
Colosky's Math Academy
Free pre-recorded 5th-12th grade math courses available until April 3. Receive full access for 21 days from the day you sign up.
Critical Thinking Company
Special offers and free downloads, including ebooks, puzzles, and games.
Faith Baptist Bible College
Take your first online class at Faith tuition free! Any current sophomore or junior in high school who has never taken a class at Faith is eligible.
Fiction for Teens
Given Hoffman is offering a 20% discount for paperback formats. Coupon Code: Recommended2020
Godstruck Ministries
Special 30% coupon code valid until March 31, 2020, toward the purchase of their first Scripture CD, Sing God's Word - Psalms in Tune (CD or MP3).
Grace and Truth Books
Use coupon stuckhome2020 at checkout to receive 10% off on up to two (2) separate orders.
Greater Des Moines Botanical Garden
Free activities and resources for families and gardeners including a germination experiment, leaf activity and more. New activities being added regularly.
Homeschooling Today
Free spring issue available online.
40% off regularly-priced items with coupon code LCS40 and 50% off Lamplighter Theater with coupon code LTC50.
Learning Rx (Cedar Rapids)
Maintaining your student’s progress during a no-school period can be challenging. LearningRx is offering 50% off 1-1 remote training, all done on your home computer to help you keep your student’s skills sharp.
Offering 10% off their language resources. Free audio files are also available to help your child learn pronunciations of common words in other languages.
Lit League
Two major deals on book-themed activity boxes for kids ages 3-12: 40% off on box bundles and 25% off regular subscriptions! Each box comes with a book, vocabulary bookmark, discussion questions and answers, & 4-5 fun activities!
Money MunchKids
Specials of 10%-50% off all products online! We're also giving away a free digital activity book to help parents keep their MunchKids learning & safe. Use Promo code StayHealthy2020.
My Father's World
Supply your name and email to download a free activity pack. Both PreK-K and 1st-8th grade packs are available.
Notgrass History
Check their Helping Through Crisis webpage for two free ebooks, a free trial of their Homeschool History, free shipping offer, and more.
25% off all online ACT preparation courses through April 15.
Our Journey Westward
Enjoy a free "No Sweat Nature Study" LIVE online science lesson with the entire family.
Rainbow Resource Center
Free videos with activity ideas for quarantined students: preschool, language arts, math, science, and social studies.
Rock Your Homeschool
Free solar system cootie catcher and planet fact cards: a hands-on way to enjoy interactive science fun.
Simply Charlotte Mason
Through March 31, visit the Simply Charlotte Mason "Be Home" page to watch Sonya Shafer's popular "Laying Down the Rails: The Power of Good Habits" workshop for free. You'll also find additional ideas and links for things to do while staying home.
Enter to win a free All-Subjects Package (everything you need to teach one child for one school year) from Sonlight & get $40 off your curriculum purchase.
The Old Schoolhouse Magazine
Download their free 2019 Homeschool Supplement, From ABCs to SATs: The 3 Rs and Everything in Between.
Teaching Textbooks
3.0 Free Trials: complete versions of Teaching Textbook program up through Lesson 15, with access to lectures, solutions, eBooks, and automated grading. There are no time limits for completing the trials and no limits to the number of products you can try!
Trivium Pursuit
Click to send them your email address, and Trivium Pursuit will send you John Bunyan's The Pilgrim's Progress Part One, a 605-page ebook free.
Wall of Books (Ankeny)
Buy 10, get 10 free offer on used books. This would be the perfect time to stock up!
"Have fun and take time to laugh!
It's good for the soul,
and it will help reduce
your children's anxiety and stress
during this challenging time."

The Institute for Excellence in Writing (IEW) is offering a free, completely digital, 3-week program of English language arts instruction: writing (3–12), grammar (3–12), vocabulary (3–12), and poetry (K–12).
Institute for Excellence in Writing (IEW)
Free language arts activities and print-ables to do at home. These include writing prompts and selected lesson plans.
Here's a complete guide to using daily writing prompts for elementary students, along with free downloadable monthly writing prompt calendars.
The Homeschool Resource Room
Looking for good read-aloud books? Here's an exhaustive list:
1000 Good Books List
Read aloud to your children!
It's one of the best ways
to foster comprehension skills
and build vocabulary.

This always-free online resource is designed to motivate students in 1st through 8th grade to learn and practice math skills.
Prodigy Math
All of the videos on this website and its YouTube channel are free to watch. An additional paid membership is available for math topic practice.
Math Antics
Videos about the amazing properties of numbers.
Do some cooking projects
with your kids.
They can help with measuring
and recipe conversions.
Great for building math skills!
"Academics are not the main thing now.
Your family's health and well-being is.
Education can be 'caught up.'
Use this time to strengthen family relationships."

One of our past Homeschool Iowa Conference speakers, Cindy West, provides this comprehensive resource:
Ultimate Guide to Nature Study
Ultimate List of STEM Activities for Kids
Homeschool Scientist
The National Aviary is offering CyBIRD Learning and other online learning platforms.
National Aviary
Free nature study ideas posted on Facebook page.
Brenton Arboretum
Free science lessons, experiments, and resources for grades 1-12.
Supercharged Science
Lots of resources, videos, and ideas here!
National Geographic Kids
Coyote Petersen posts new animal encounter action videos every week.
Brave Wilderness
Video lessons on puzzling science topics posted every day.
Video lessons for your younger scientists!
SciShow Kids
Nature walks are ideal
for introducing your child
to the amazing creation
around them!

Goldie's Kids Club is offering Goldie at Home, designed to introduce children aged 12 and under to Iowa history right from the comfort of their own homes.
The State Historical Society of Iowa
Free two-week course on American Civics and the U.S. Constitution.
Book Shark
Individual videos for younger learners on each of the 50 states from the Homeschool Pop.
U.S. States Videos for Kids
Animated video lessons on various history topics.
Simple History
Wander virtually through this extensive Google offering of famous art museum collections -- with virtual tours available as well.
Google Arts & Culture
Watch 66 thrilling episodes FREE of Aerial America offering amazing glimpses of our nation's most treasured landmarks from breathtaking heights.
Smithsonian Channel
Check out our recent
"Virtual Capitol Day"
for ideas & links
related to the study of
our state and Capitol building.
"Give your children
plenty of your undivided attention
during this time at home.
They long for it –
even if they don't outwardly show that they do.
Take time to just sit and talk and listen."

The Iowa State Extension Service has lots of free downloadable resources on health, fitness, nutrition, and more. Use the topic list on the left side of the link below.
Iowa State Extension Service
Looking for a work-out video that your whole family can do together? Try this one:
Kids' Workout 1
Here are some more ideas (with illustrative videos) for really fun fitness activities for kids.
ACE Fitness Games for Kids
Make sure that your life habits
are offering good examples
for your children!

Need some ideas for crafts to do with your kids while they're with you throughout the day? Here's a list with links to get you started:
A to Z Homeschooling Arts & Craft Projects for Kids
The Iowa State Extension Service has lots of free download-able resources you can use when starting a family vegetable garden.
Iowa State Extension Service
Home education
is so much more than
teaching academic subjects!
It's a lifestyle
and means toward building
life-long relationships
with your children.
Are you new to the idea of homeschooling?
Check out our Getting Started Guide!
Remember to keep checking back on this page.
We'll be continuing to add resources and links
in the coming weeks.

Disclaimers: While Homeschool Iowa is a Christian organization, and whereas this belief guides the structure and content on Homeschool Iowa social media platforms and website blog, Homeschool Iowa does not require businesses or organizations referenced to profess or assert agreement to the Homeschool Iowa statement of faith. Our ultimate goal is to provide home educators, both Christian and non-Christian, with resources and information that is relevant, useful, and beneficial. Please note that Homeschool Iowa does not necessarily endorse all content referenced on our Facebook page, groups, events and/or website.