We're excited to announce Israel Wayne October 2021 speaking events in Iowa!
Homeschool Iowa is teaming up with several local homeschool support groups to provide these opportunities to hear this inspiring speaker.
October 5 | Elk Run Heights
Homeschool Iowa and Cedar Valley Homeschool Network are pleased to host an Israel Wayne Event in the Waterloo/Cedar Falls area.
Tuesday, October 5, 2021
Faith Assembly of God Church
5112 Lafayette Rd
Elk Run Heights, Iowa
Directions available here.
Israel will be speaking on the following topics:
Avoiding and Recovering from Homeschool Mistakes
Drawing from over 40 years of experience in the home-education movement, Israel will help you to avoid some of the top errors many parents make in the homeschooling process. The tips offered in this session can save you hundreds of dollars and perhaps years of regret from committing these costly errors.
The Difference Between Schooling & Education
Most people think of schooling when they hear the word “education.” In reality, however, the two are not intrinsically linked in any way. Learn why most people are schooled, but never truly educated, and how you can ensure your children get a great education, even without schooling.
Admission is free.
October 11 | Urbandale
Homeschool Iowa and Home Educators for Excellence in Des Moines (HEED) are pleased to host an Israel Wayne event in the Des Moines area.
Monday, October 11, 2021
New Hope Assembly Student Center
6800 Townsend Avenue
Urbandale, Iowa
Directions available here.
Israel Wayne will help you to focus on what is really important and help you answer these questions:
Why do you homeschool?
When your children are grown, what will define success for you?
What is the difference between a Biblical view of education, and the way most Christian parents (even homeschoolers) educate their children?
Admission is free.

Israel Wayne
Israel Wayne is an author and conference speaker who has a passion for defending the Christian faith and promoting a Biblical worldview.
He is the author of numerous books and the founder of Family Renewal.
Since 1995, Israel has traveled the nation
speaking on family, homeschooling, revival,
discipleship, and cultural issues.
Israel has written articles for a long list of publications and websites. He is a frequent guest on radio and television programs.
Israel and his wife Brook were joined in marriage in 1999 without dating and share their testimony of God’s faithfulness on an audiobook titled, What God Has Joined Together.
Israel and Brook, both homeschool graduates themselves, have 11 homeschooled children.
Israel desires to see God’s people
learn to think and live Biblically.
Aiming for both the head and the heart, Israel’s goal is to challenge audiences to take every thought captive and make it obedient to Christ.
In his words, “God’s Word applies to all areas of life. There is not one facet of our existence which does not fall under the direct claim of Lordship by Jesus Christ. This includes how we spend our money, what entertainment we consume, how we educate our children, how we use our time, etc. All of life must be understood from within a Biblical worldview.”

We hope you'll plan to attend one of these events!
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2 Comments on “Israel Wayne October 2021 Speaking Events in Iowa”
Will these events be streaming live or be recorded and then available to be watch at a later time?
While there are no plans for live streaming or recording at these events, we do invite you to check Israel’s website for resources. Also, enter “Israel Wayne” in the YouTube search tool and you’ll find several videos of Israel’s presentations.