IPI vs CPI with Opt-Out

IPI vs CPI with No Reporting

“What’s the difference between IPI and CPI Option #2 with Opt-Out Reporting?”

Sometimes it's: "What's the difference between IPI and CPI with No Reporting?"

In one of those forms, we get that question a lot around here. 

And, so, it's time for a blog post providing an explanation!

Let's Start with a Little Background

In Iowa, there are essentially five homeschooling legal options.

Three of the options offer access to public school services through the filing of paperwork and follow-up consisting of either licensed teacher supervision or annual assessment results reporting.

The other two options do not offer access to public school services, but they also have no initial paperwork filing or any of the follow-up requirements listed above.

These two options are:

In 2013, legislation was drafted to implement these two options, and those bills – along with a bill drafted to implement Parent-Taught Driver Education – were all considered by the Iowa Legislature. At the end of the legislative session, all three of these bills were added as amendments to a larger piece of legislation, and, through a joint conference committee compromise, all three were passed into law.

Because the bills creating each of these three options for homeschooling families were drafted independently at the beginning of the same legislative year, each bill was drafted without reference to the other options (since, of course, the other options were not yet law when the drafting was completed).

This created a bit of confusion that we’re still dealing with today.

Let's Compare



HOW ARE IPI and CPI with No Reporting ALIKE?

These two homeschooling legal options do share some basic similarities.


While these two homeschool legal options share many similarities, there are some ways they are not alike.

Here are the basic differences between the two options.



Read more about these two Iowa homeschool legal options here:

2 Comments on “IPI vs CPI with Opt-Out”

  1. My 6-year old daughter will study with Griggs International Academy.

    What is the link to inform the State of Iowa that my daughter will be studying with mommy at home, using this accredited resource?

    1. Welcome to the homeschooling adventure, Claudia!
      If you will not be seeking public school services or classes for your daughter, you can use either the IPI option or the CPI with Opt-Out Reporting option, both of which do not require the filing of any initial reports with the public school.
      If your daughter was previously enrolled in the public school, we recommend that you send a written notice to the school to let them know that your daughter will be under private instruction. Find more information about this written notice at the bottom of this page on our website:

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