Homeschool Research Info

Looking for an encompassing source for the most current homeschool research available? Here’s the resource you’re seeking, from National Home Education Research Institute.

4 Homeschool Myths

Whether your home-educating family is traditional or non-conformist, Amy will help you identify four common homeschool myths and equip you to counter them.

Back-to-Homeschool Pep Talk

Start your new year with a back-to-homeschool pep talk from our Region 11 Representative, Danna. It’s sure to improve your frame of mind & heart.

25 Top Homeschool Tips

25 Top Homeschool Tips

Check out this encouraging homeschool advice from our team of Homeschool Iowa Regional Representatives, all homeschooling moms of many years. Enjoy!

Which Forms Do I File with the School?

What will your homeschool look like in the coming year? Here’s some “expert advice” from Nancy Bjorkman, an incredible source of wisdom and encouragement.

2019 Conference Highlights

Nearly 1300 registered attendees received an inspiring dose of encouragement and motivation at the 2019 Homeschool Iowa Conference. Here are highlights!

Homeschool Advice from an Expert

What will your homeschool look like in the coming year? Here’s some “expert advice” from Nancy Bjorkman, an incredible source of wisdom and encouragement.

How to Rock the Conference

Here are 9 top tips to help you rock the 2019 Homeschool Iowa Conference on June 6-8 at Valley Church in West Des Moines.

2019 Conference

You’ll sink your roots deep into inspiring sources of encouragement and motivation for your homeschool adventures at the 2019 Homeschool Iowa Conference on June 6-8 at Valley Church in West Des Moines!