Simplify Your Homeschooling Journey with Christ-Centered Support

“Train up a child in the way he should go,
and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”
Proverbs 22:6

You’ve been called to homeschool your children.

Maybe this was a call that was easy to answer with excitement and joy: “Yes, Lord!”

Perhaps you “discussed” and wrestled with the Lord over this particular calling on your life and it feels more like a complete act of submission, in spite of yourself, without the joy and excitement you would hope for.

Either way, here you are, embarking on what will definitely be one of the most challenging and – we promise you (because God is good!) – the most joyful journeys you could ever imagine.

Where do you begin?

How can you simplify your homeschooling journey?
Simplify Your Homeschooling Journey: Where do you begin?

We were created as relational beings and were not meant to walk this path alone – not without Jesus, and not without each other. That is why it is important to find a homeschool path and partner that will help you navigate educating your children in a way that simplifies your life. 

Whether you have one child or ten, Portals can show you how to simplify your homeschooling journey by helping you manage your school schedule and access lessons on an easy, intuitive dashboard, all while offering Christ-centered homeschool support.

Portals will also help you get connected with your local Christian homeschool community. When you register for Portals directly, you will receive a family membership to Homeschool Iowa at no additional cost to you. If you already have a Homeschool Iowa membership, you can use the code provided in the Homeschool Iowa website Member Portal to receive $50-off your Portals registration.

How do you set up to simplify?

Setting up your Christ-centered support is easy!

Setting up your Portals experience is an easy process.

Within Portals, you select a communication preference for receiving your lesson plans, daily or weekly, with an easy click of a button. You choose which of the courses your students will be taking and only receive the information pertinent to you and your students. This allows you to design your day around when your students need your assistance and instruction, and when they will be working independently.

Lessons are easy to find within Portals. The dashboard is simple and intuitive, allowing you quickly navigate to the correct week of lesson plans and move easily through the different courses for the day.

Your dashboard is unique to your needs,
so you won’t get lost in unnecessary information or details.

Each lesson on each day includes a well-designed “Notes” section that allows you to communicate with the curriculum designers at Portals. You can let them know immediately what went well or what didn’t that day.

You also have the ability to mark lessons complete, incomplete, or delayed to another day. This is all housed within the Portals system, so you don’t have to search to find what you are looking for.

What about curriculum?

Portals provides Christ-centered homeschool support for you.
Simplify your homeschooling journey withPortals.

The experts at Portals design a Christ-centered curriculum plan for educating your whole child. You will no longer be concerned that Bible study or focus on Jesus will need to be an “extra” you have to add in. It is woven throughout the whole selected curriculum.

Paul tells us in Colossians,
“My goal is that they may be encouraged in heart
and united in love,
so that they may have the full riches of complete understanding,
in order that they may know the mystery of God,
namely, Christ,
in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.”

Portals also provides you with access to obtain the books you'll need, linking to sources where you can purchase new or used items -- and offering suggested leads to help you find free or low-cost alternatives.

Ready to simplify?

Reach out to Portals to simplify your homeschooling journey.
Are you ready to simplify your homeschooling journey?

As you seek to provide your children knowledge, understanding, and wisdom, do so with a curriculum that puts the One who can provide all these things at the center, and in a way that will simplify your homeschooling journey.

Find out more by contacting Portals today. Let the experienced Portals team help you find answers for your questions. They offer comprehensive Christ-centered homeschool support that will meet your specific needs and desires.



Homeschool Iowa Membership Benefits
Homeschool Iowa Member Benefits In Use

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