Protecting Your Family
Protecting your family from harmful attacks might sound like a difficult challenge, but it doesn’t have to be.
With the right resources and a solid game plan,
you can allow your children to experience a healthy family life that leads to successful adulthood while shielding them from destructive influences.
Homeschool Iowa's mission goals are purposed to support you and your homeschooling family. One of the key goals is to protect homeschooling freedom. That is primarily in the legislative and legal arenas, especially with Homeschool Iowa’s lobbyist and Advocacy Team.
However, from my experience as a Homeschool Iowa Conference volunteer for many years, I can attest to the fact that they also provide and educate in other ways to help you in protecting your family.
First of all, they show you positive ways to raise and instruct your children.
Secondly, they give you the needed resources and tools.
Finally, they defend your right and duty to homeschool.
Showing You Positive Ways to Raise Your Children

Negative intrusions and assaults from the secular world occur almost constantly and, with homeschoolers, the potential problems increase tenfold. The obvious issues, such as screens, dating, jobs, and even making good friends come to mind, but other issues, even deeper ones, are present as well.
The home and the nuclear family are the main recipients of attack at this point in the 21st century. Even the most basic grounding facts of life, such as marriage, gender, truth, and Christianity are under full-on assault daily. While many of these issues are beyond the scope of this article, defending children from those who seek to destroy the family unit is not.
I've seen hundreds of parents receive helpful guidance and direction from Homeschool Iowa Conference sessions.
As a teen, I can honestly say that we desire protection, even if we won’t admit it. We often have no clue what we’re doing in the world, and we need our parents to stand by us and guide us through the potentially dangerous waters of life. That means we need our parents’ encouragement to “Do what is right and what God calls you to do,” even if we don’t like it.
Homeschool Iowa affirms and supports you in protecting your family from the attacks upon it. This is vital to the well-being of your children, and it’s a commitment well worth the cost and effort.
Providing You with Needed Resources and Tools

Homeschool Iowa offers a wide variety of resources, including its website, its helpful staff, and its events, like the Homeschool Iowa Conference, to educate parents on the best educational method: homeschooling.
As a conference volunteer, I’ve witnessed how people come, learn, and leave this annual event with the necessary tools they need to guide and protect their children. From the massive vendor hall to the bargain-packed used curriculum sale, you’ll find book upon book and resource upon resource available to tap into.
Defending Your Right to Homeschool

Lastly, one of Homeschool Iowa’s top goals is to defend and advance the right and duty to homeschool. All of its programs, resources, and events are designed to do just that.
As a volunteer at the Homeschool Iowa Conference, I experienced the atmosphere of freedom there. I witnessed how people can attend without fear of whether or not they will be judged for homeschooling because everyone else there is homeschooling too. Most of the attendees are on the same track as you and, like you, want the Lord’s will for their children.
Your right to homeschool is aptly defended at the Homeschool Iowa Conference. You can attend sessions that help you better understand both the potential threats and our cooperative efforts to meet and defeat them. You can leave your apprehensions at the door and join the club, because we all desire our families to continue to enjoy the freedom to homeschool.
I’ve seen how the Conference provides a welcoming atmosphere where you can deeply explore your choice to homeschool without fear of what the world, the government, or even your extended family thinks. Your right to homeschool is never questioned. Rather, you are encouraged and set up for success in a multitude of ways.
Protecting Your Family
with Help from
Homeschool Iowa

Yes, protecting your family
is one of the foundational aspects of homeschooling.
Homeschool Iowa is like a protective wall behind which you have the freedom to channel the God-given right and duty to guide your children. Your desire to protect your family and nurture your children will pay off and, thanks to Homeschool Iowa, you can discover a path to success.

Kyle Danilson
Kyle Danilson graduated homeschool in May of 2024. He currently studies theology at Reformation Bible College and plans to study music and written communications next year. He enjoys writing, reading good books, playing music (and blasting music in his car), and working with his hands.