The iNegotiate Generation Joshua Teen Event 2022 offers your teenage student an incredible opportunity to experience what it is like to serve as an international ambassador.
Homeschool Iowa is hosting
the two-day Generation Joshua iNegotiate event
in Pella on December 8-9.
Thanks to our generous sponsor, Americans for Prosperity Foundation–Iowa, homeschoolers can register for an amazingly low fee that includes lunch on both days!
Students ages 13-19 will experience an extraordinary two-day international diplomacy simulation at the iNegotiate Generation Joshua Teen Event 2022.
In the event's dramatized meeting
of the United Nations General Assembly,
students take on the roles of ambassadors.
They will be tasked with crafting an agreeable response to a quagmire of international issues while balancing their nations' priorities and sovereignties. Students will exercise skills in problem-solving and diplomacy while experiencing the complexity of nation-state negotiations.
Participants will take on roles in State Department, Department of Defense, and Intelligence Community organizations.
In these positions, they will respond to a variety of developing international dilemmas.

Here are iNegotiate Generation Joshua Teen Event 2022 details:
• Students ages 13-19 are eligible to participate.
• One student per registration.
• Multiple students per family may register.
• Only 105 openings are available.
• Register early to assure participation.
• We do not require parents to attend with students. Parents are welcome to do so, however, if space is available.
• Our event sponsor, AFP, invites parents to attend optional concurrent "Leaders in the Legislature" sessions.

Thursday & Friday
December 8-9, 2022
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
(lunch provided)
Federated Fellowship Church
309 Roosevelt Rd
Pella, IA 50219

Students participating in the iNegotiate Generation Joshua Teen Event 2022 will receive a challenging look at international diplomacy.
They will experience an unmatched opportunity to test and view the real-time consequences of their ideas on how to act as an ambassador on a world stage.
Our event sponsor, Americans for Prosperity Foundation–Iowa, is offering optional parent "Leaders in the Legislature" sessions. These will be held during the iNegotiate Generation Joshua Teen Event 2022.
The session content will be all-new, not repeated from previous Generation Joshua event parent sessions.
AFP Foundation–Iowa is providing complimentary lunches for parents participating in these optional sessions.
Parents may sign up for these sessions on the iNegotiate student registration form.
However, these sessions are open to ALL homeschooling parents.
If you are a homeschooling parent who would like to attend but don't have a teen registering for the iNegotiate event, use this registration form.

Click on the logo above to view more information about
the Generation Joshua Government Intensives, including iNegotiate.