An incredibly busy person recently told us
that she was planning to come
to our 2022 Homeschool Iowa Capitol Day event.

It occurred to us to ask her why, in the midst of her highly engaged life, she was taking time to attend.
Her answer impressed us so much that we decided to ask others the same question. Read the responses below.
Capitol Day 2022: Why I'm Going

"To Inspire"
"Our purpose was to inspire our children – to help them see that they are a part of a large community."
"We are rural homeschoolers without a local co-op. Even though we do plenty of things in our local community, we're often the only homeschoolers there. My kids really enjoyed seeing just how many other homeschooling families there were when we went to Capitol Day!"
"It's inspiring to see all of the strong homeschooling families, and great to join with so many children, moms, dads, and grandparents gathered together in support of homeschooling!"

"To Learn"
"Our purpose was to give our kids an idea of how the legislative process works."
"We love bringing our children to the Capitol to learn about how our state government works. It's a great way for our kiddos to see the legislative process in action."

"To See"
"Our family really enjoyed our tour of the beautiful Capitol building. The tour guides told us lots of interesting facts and stories."
"My kids were impressed with the Capitol building. My son loved the model of the Battleship Iowa, and my daughter was drawn to the inaugural gown display case."
"I love going to the Capitol with my children because the building itself is awe-inspiring. When I was homeschooled, we traveled to see a lot of state capitol buildings across the country, but the matchless beauty we have under the gold dome of Iowa is still my favorite!"

"To Impact"
"My kids and I got to meet Governor Reynolds and actually talk to our legislators."
"One of the reasons I look forward to attending Capitol Day is reconnecting with my representative (who was a former neighbor) and giving him a once-a-year hug! (I’m old enough to be his He usually takes me to his desk to chat for a bit, and I thank him for his support of the causes dear to me."
"It's a great opportunity to connect with our representatives and thank them for their support of our rights to homeschool."

"To Receive"
"I like hearing the speakers at Capitol Day. I'm especially excited to hear this year's speaker, Zan Tyler!"

Here's a "sneak peek" of Zan's talk:
“Well, Mrs. Tyler, you know I can have you put in jail for truancy.”
I was sitting across the desk from the State Superintendent of Education when he spoke these words. The sheer feeling of panic and fear that engulfed me and penetrated my soul are emblazoned in my memory as if it happened yesterday.
This was August of 1984. The Superintendent of Education was threatening me with jail for fighting for my right to homeschool our oldest son, Ty.
I had never even heard of homeschooling until five months earlier when a dear friend gave me Dr. Raymond Moore’s book Homegrown Kids.
I had resisted God’s leading to homeschool for three months. (This was 1984, after all, and I didn’t know one person in the whole wide world who was actually homeschooling.) But God literally backed me into a corner, and homeschooling became my only choice for Ty when I considered what was best for him—not for me or the school district or anybody else.
As I pondered this threat of jail, I kept thinking: This is America. I am a law-abiding citizen trying to do the best thing for my child, and I’m being threatened with jail for it. How can that be? How can this be happening in the land of the free? What did I do wrong?

"To Put a Face to Homeschooling"
Remember our super busy person whose response to our question jumpstarted this "Capitol Day 2022: Why I'm Going" blog post?
Here's her answer:
I'm a busy woman. Homeschooling, mentoring new homeschool parents, serving as a volunteer for a variety of causes, managing a busy household, and caring for elderly parents fill my days (and nights).
Why do I add one more item to my calendar?
Because of the Iowans I meet while volunteering at the legislative table at Homeschool Iowa Capitol Day.
Assisting families as they locate and meet their elected representatives is rewarding.
I love watching the representatives' and senators' faces as homeschool advocates look these men and women in the eye and introduce themselves as homeschooling families.
It's good for everyone. Putting a face to the legislation these elected officials vote into law is important. You are the face of the Independent Private Instruction and Competent Private Instruction law for our legislators.
Creating personal relationships, even for this day, is crucial to ensuring Iowans' right to choose how to educate our children."
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Capitol Day 2022:
Why I'm Going