Anymore, I don’t run errands during the daytime with my children, mostly because schoolwork and activities have increased as my twins have gotten older. I have also become more conscious of the attention we draw. If I am with only one child, it seems that onlookers assume my child is out of school for the afternoon because of a doctor appointment or … Read More
Public School Alters Form
“Oh, look! The school district included the NICHE IPI form in the information packet they sent me. I’ll just fill it out and send it in.” Sounds simple; right? And how nice that the school district used a NICHE form; right? Not so fast. Let’s take a closer look at the form.
Discovering & Developing Your Child’s Learning Styles
Homeschool Learning Styles What are the common homeschool learning styles? And how do you figure out what your child’s preferred style is? Take a few minutes to use this simple homeschool learning styles checklist. You’ll likely spot your child’s predominant learning style: • Visual • Auditory • Read/Write • Kinesthetic Then use our suggestions to help you adapt your homeschool instruction … Read More
What Can the School Require Homeschooling Families to Submit?
“Can the school require me to provide that information?” “Do I have to file that form?” “Is that a legal mandate?” Homeschool Iowa receives questions like these all year long – but especially at back-to-school time. One of the many services we provide is assistance in clarifying and meeting homeschool legal requirements in Iowa. While the Iowa law and rules … Read More
Which Homeschool Option Is Right for Your Family?
Which of the Iowa homeschool options is right for your family? Learn the choices you have in Iowa and the requirements and benefits of each.
Introducing Homeschool Iowa Regional Representatives
Our Homeschool Iowa Regional Representatives and ready and willing to serve Iowa homeschooling families in eighteen regions across Iowa.
6 Suggestions for Summer Sanity
“Summertime, and the living is easy.” So go the words in the well-known song. But in our often hectic modern times, summertime is anything but easy. Here are some tips for summer sanity.
How Quickly Could Our Homeschooling Freedoms Be Destroyed?
The devastating destruction resulting from a violent storm that struck our farm last week has caused me to think of how quickly life can change. On Thursday afternoon, our crops were healthy and growing. My garden looked beautiful, full of well-tended plants, already yielding produce. On Thursday evening, all was destroyed. Our crops were decimated. My garden was devastated. What does this have … Read More
Are Homeschool Conferences Marriage Builders?
Homeschool conferences help you improve your teaching skills and find good resources. Right? Can they also help build your marriage?
5 Steps to Successfully Conclude Your Homeschool Year
Your homeschool studies are drawing to a close. Are you ready for summer break? Here are 5 steps to help you end your homeschool year well.