It is certain that homeschool freedoms
will continue to be under assault.
What can you do about it?
We invite you to join our efforts to gear up for the 2020 legislative session.
Help us keep homeschooling in Iowa vibrant and strong.
Our generous Matching Donors will match your gifts – UP TO $10,000!
Your Voice at the Capitol campaign donation is 100% tax deductible!

Want to know more?
Since 1992, Homeschool Iowa has been equipping and encouraging Iowa homeschooling families and promoting and protecting our liberty to homeschool.
Our 5-year strategic plan focuses on strengthening our advocacy efforts and building better connections with and between homeschool families.
We've already made great progress in these areas,
but there remain many challenges ahead.
Just this year in the Iowa Legislature, bills were filed which called for freedom-squelching measures such as mandatory quarterly home visits, removal of Parent Taught Driver’s Education, and elimination of Independent Private Instruction.
Iowa is not alone in this fight. In states across the nation, there are legislators and media outlets who despise the freedom of parents to educate their children and jump at any chance to roll back the freedoms we have fought so hard to gain.
This is why we are launching our homeschool
Voice at the Capitol Campaign.
We need your help as we work toward our goal of $20,000 to fund expanded advocacy efforts: adding powerful VoterVoice advocacy software and expanding our Advocacy Team, with the goal of hiring a Homeschool Advocate to serve at the Iowa State Capitol—a much needed piece in defending our homeschooling freedoms.
We need a continual presence at the State Capitol, offensively pushing to further homeschooling freedoms, building good rapport with our law and policy makers, and remaining poised and ready to defend at a moment’s notice.
You and I cannot afford to rest on the successes of the past 27 years.
Together, we must press onward, looking to the future.
Will you stand with us to protect our freedoms?
Joe Bailey

[email protected]
End-of Year Campaign