Pastors Partner with Homeschool Iowa
Wouldn’t it be nice if your pastor and church came alongside you in your calling to homeschool your children?
Many homeschoolers see home education as the means to carry out our Biblical vocation to raise our children in the Lord.
We often find, too, that many pastors answer affirmatively when asked if they support homeschooling. However, when pressed as to what this support provided to Christian families within their churches looks like, pastors are often unable to define it clearly.
Too often, it just means they don’t pass judgment upon the decision to homeschool, viewing it as a free exercise of Christian liberty. In many cases, it can mean that they simply express encouraging words in support of the decision to home educate. Yet these actions are usually not enough to meet the needs of homeschooling families.
Pastors Partner with Homeschool Iowa

WHY Should Pastors Partner with Homeschool Iowa?
While encouraging words are welcome and needed, genuine support should be active. It should seek ways to bolster homeschooling efforts more tangibly.
Many families find that their pastors are no more in tune than the typical church member when it comes to addressing educational issues, including comparisons between public, private, and home education. This surprises me. More than average persons, pastors understand that education and discipleship are intertwined. Properly ordered, education is simply a subset of the discipleship parents are called to give their children.
As Christian homeschoolers,
we understand better than most
that homeschooling goes together with Christian discipleship.
For some of us, it’s the primary reason we homeschool.
This is where pastors can step up to the plate. As spiritual shepherds, few things can be as impactful as a good pastor’s direct involvement in the shepherding of our children’s souls by actively supporting our decision to homeschool.
Pastors Partner with Homeschool Iowa

HOW Can Pastors Partner with Homeschool Iowa?
Homeschool Iowa is inaugurating our Pastors' Conference to help pastors who want to support homeschoolers in their congregations but might not know where to begin.
This conference, presented by experienced homeschooling pastors, is designed to equip men who are pastors and church leaders with the information and resources they need to support homeschoolers carrying out the Great Commission in their congregations.
The Pastors’ Conference
will offer equal portions of
encouragement, equipping, and networking.
Pastors who attend will leave with the knowledge, tools, and friendships that can help them serve this fast-growing demographic in their churches and communities.
This conference is not your typical church conference. In fact, it’s not a church conference at all. This is a professional development conference designed to help pastors serve a fast-growing segment of their congregations and communities.
Pastors Partner with Homeschool Iowa

Pastors' Conference
Attendees Will:
• Learn about the laws governing homeschooling in Iowa.
• Discover how hosting homeschooling affects your church.
• Hear the reasonings that support home education.
• Interact with experienced homeschooling pastors.
If you think your pastor could benefit from attending this conference, we urge you to tell him about it and encourage him to attend. Pastors will learn how to serve their congregations and their whole communities at this conference through homeschool support and outreach.
Invite Your Pastor to Partner with Homeschool Iowa
Post Author

Aaron Neely is the Homeschool Iowa Executive Director. He married his wife, Sarah, in 2001, and they now live on a small homestead in southern Iowa with their four children. They are active in their local church and homeschool support group and are committed to K-12 home education for their family.
After working in the corporate food industry, Aaron founded VWG, LLC, in 2015, a company that specializes in importing and distributing food ingredients internationally. He is also a 20-year retired member of the Iowa National Guard, finishing with the rank of captain, and is a veteran of the war in Afghanistan.