National Homeschool Day of Prayer
November 2, 2018
The homeschooling movement started with a Christian vision for discipling our children at home. This fulfills one of the most fundamental calls of Scripture to diligently teach our children (Deuteronomy 6:7).
Today, that is still at the core of Homeschool Iowa’s philosophy.
It is God alone who will sustain and prosper our efforts. And it is when we depart from Him and ignore His commands that we will fail.
A Call to Prayer
With this in mind, the National Alliance of Christian Home Education Leadership has declared the first Friday in November as the National Homeschool Day of Prayer.
Last year, we focused our prayers specifically on New York state where homeschool legal and legislative battles rage. Our friends in New York homeschool leadership reported a wonderful moving of the Holy Spirit on that day. And though the battles there are not over yet, God is clearly at work in that state.
“The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.”
(James 5:16b, NKJV)
I invite you to join myself and Christian home educators across the nation in prayer on Friday, November 2, 2018.
This year, the call for prayer is for the homeschool movement in general.

How Can You Pray?
Here are some specific items/topics we can pray about:
- Give thanks for the freedom we have to homeschool our children.
- Confess your specific sins and your inability to homeschool without fully trusting in God for guidance.
- Pray for your own family – your homeschool journey, your family relationships, and your witness to others.
- Pray for homeschooling families in Iowa, America, and internationally.
- Pray for our elected officials to recognize that education of children is the responsibility of parents, not the responsibility of the state or nation.
- Pray for the upcoming elections and the effects they may have on homeschooling.
- Rejoice in God’s mercy and His faithfulness in all things.
I look forward to joining all of you in prayer!

Joe Bailey
NICHE Board President
3 Comments on “Homeschool Day of Prayer 2018”
Thank you, Joe. Great message. I will pray,
Thank you – our family will pray! 🙂
Appreciate the reminder, Joe.