This 2021 Capitol Day Sneak Peak will give you a glimpse into the exciting content you can access on March 16 in our Virtual Capitol Day!
An impressive array of tools, resources, projects, videos, and more will be provided to help teach your kids about civics and government in a fun, educational way.
You won't want to miss it!
You can participate in real time during either of the two live sessions offered on our Facebook event. (You do not need a Facebook account to watch.)
March 16
March 16
Our website blog version will be posted and archived on March 16 as well.

Legislator Interviews
You and your children can receive an insider perspective from our interviews with Iowa legislators.
What is it like to serve and work at the Capitol?
Why did they choose to run for office?
What are their views on home education?

Virtual Tours & Interesting Facts
Fill your knowledge tank with lots of interesting tidbits about our state and our Capitol building.
We'll offer some virtual tours of our beautiful Iowa Statehouse.
We'll also share fun facts and little-known information about the building and about our great state of Iowa.

Prayer Prompts
One of the best things you can do for your elected officials is to pray for them!
During our 2021 Homeschool Iowa Virtual Capitol Day, we'll give you some specific ways you can pray.

How a Bill Becomes a Law
During our virtual event, your kids will learn how a bill becomes a law and have the chance to write their own bill to share with us.
The bills can be serious or fun.
As an incentive, we'll offer a prize for the most creative bill, so put on your thinking caps!
Examples of bills found here.
More Great Content
What else can you expect to find at the 2021 Homeschool Iowa Virtual Capitol Day event?
- Tips on how to communicate with your legislator
(It's not as intimidating as you might think.) - Updates from our Homeschool Iowa Lobbyist, Bill Gustoff
- Instructions on how to hold your own mock elections with your family and friends
- Picture memories with reminisces from the past
- Printable activity pages for the kids
- A direct link to our VoterVoice platform where you'll be provided with a prepared suggested message that will be automatically sent to your specific legislators
- Enlightening civics and government instruction
- and more!
We hope this 2021 Capitol Day Sneak Peak whets your appetite for the educational and entertaining content that we've prepared for your family!