Independent Private Instruction (IPI)
Choice #1
Here are details about
Independent Private Instruction (IPI)
Independent Private Instruction (IPI) was added into the Iowa Code in 2013 as a new homeschooling option and is defined as instruction that is:
• not accredited,
• enrolls not more than four unrelated students,
• does not charge tuition, and
• provides private or religious-based instruction in mathematics, reading, language arts, science, and social studies.
- No initial reporting required
- Response to Public School Request for Information
School officials may request specific details about the IPI program, but the request must be in written form. If you receive a written request for information, you can use our IPI Response Form, available in the IPI Tool Kit below, to reply.Homeschool Iowa members can use our special “type-in-the-form” IPI Response Form, available via the member portal.
- No access to dual enrollment
Public school services, activities, classes, or Senior Year Plus options are not available through dual enrollment.
MORE INFORMATION - Access to concurrent enrollment courses
IPI students may access this one specific type of no-cost Senior Year Plus college course options, without dual enrollment
MORE INFORMATION - Access available for driver education
Parents using any homeschool option in Iowa may access public school driver education or parent-taught driver education.
MORE INFORMATION - Access to free public school standardized testing.
Parents using any homeschool option in Iowa may request free public school standardized testing.
- No number of instructional days specified by law
- Five school subject requirements
Reading, language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies must be provided.
- Parents may homeschool students with special educational needs.
Under IPI, public school and/or AEA services are not available, so parents may provide for their children’s special needs privately.
IPI is the only Iowa homeschooling option that has specific wording in the Iowa Code allowing the instruction of non-siblings, stating that up to 4 unrelated children can be instructed.
“What is most important and valuable about the home as a base for children's growth into the world is not that it is a better school than the schools, but that it isn't a school at all.”
~ John Holt
IPI Tools
You can use this form if you're using the Independent Private Instruction (IPI) option and you receive a written request for information about your IPI program from either your resident school district superintendent or the director of the Department of Education. Because you're required by law to respond to the written request with specific information, Homeschool Iowa has created this template form to expedite the process.
Note: If you're a Homeschool Iowa member, you can access a fillable (type-in) version of this form via the Member Portal.
You can use this form if you're using the Independent Private Instruction (IPI) option and you file an IPI Response Form. This form notifies school district officials that you expect them to provide the privacy guaranteed to home educators when filing forms with the school district.
Note: If you're a Homeschool Iowa member, you can access a fillable (type-in) version of this form via the Member Portal.
You can use this form if your using the Independent Private Instruction (IPI) option and filing an IPI Response Form.Ask the school district official receiving your CPI Form to sign the receipt, and retain this receipt with your homeschool records.
Note: If you're a Homeschool Iowa member, you can access a fillable (type-in) version of this form via the Member Portal.
2020 - 2021 Private Instruction Handbook
This Department of Education publication is published annually to provide information
for parents and school district officials on private instruction, including Competent Private Instruction (CPI) and Independent Private Instruction (IPI). (This is the newest version available.)
The Homeschool Iowa Legal Summary
A brief summary of the legal requirements and options for home educators in Iowa.
The Homeschool IOWA Resource Guide
Homeschool Iowa members have access to this helpful two-page guide listing various curricula, materials, periodicals, catalog companies, and other resources for home educators. Website links are included. Not a member? Join now!
© Homeschool Iowa