STEP #10:
Get Connected
find support & friendship
It's vital to your success as a homeschooler get connected with the homeschooling community. Seek help! It’s out there.
• FIND and join a local homeschool support group.
• LIKE our Homeschool Iowa page on Facebook.
• JOIN our Homeschool Iowa Facebook Discussion Group.
• BECOME a Homeschool Iowa member and enjoy the many benefits!
Start Homeschooling!
Do you feel like you are stepping off a familiar road
and you're not quite certain
of the new path ahead?
Are you just a bit unsure about taking those first steps?
You're not alone!
Everyone who's started homeschooling has felt the same way.
Do your best to plan and prepare,
but you don't have to wait until you are full of confidence
and believe you have every detail in place
before you begin your homeschool journey.
Still have questions?
Check our Homeschool FAQs page.
Contact us or email your Homeschool Iowa Regional Representative.
We're here to help!

© Homeschool Iowa & Julie Naberhaus adapted from "The ABC's of Homeschooling in Iowa" by Julie Naberhaus
Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
and lean not on your own understanding;
In all your ways acknowledge Him,
and He shall direct your paths.
~ Proverbs 3:5-6 ~
Meet and build relationships with other homeschool families in your area.