STEP #7:
You're ready now to organize and prepare for your homeschooling adventure.
Let's start with a list of ingredients for homeschool success.
Then, we'll offer tips to help you get organized,
questions to direct your management decisions,
and suggestions to help your homeschooling go smoothly.
Ingredients for HomeSchool SUCCESS:
- A willing and hopeful attitude combined with a sense of humor
- Discipline and commitment to success
- Connection with others and access to sources of encouragement
- Resistance to comparing your homeschool and/or your children to others
- Rejection of false expectations that homeschooling always brings perfect results
- Flexibility and adaptability combined with well-ordered priorities
- Family unity and a commitment to building strong relationships
Homeschool Organization Tips

Check Our Blog Post on
Easy Homeschool Space Ideas
Managing Your Home School
WHO will teach your children?
- Mom? Dad? Both?
- Outside tutors or teachers?
- Cooperative group teaching?
WHERE will your child work?
- Does your child need a lot of assistance and direction?
- Does your child need a quiet location with few distractions?
WHEN will you teach?
- You can use any school year schedule that works best for your family (e.g., traditional, year-round, etc.).
- Arrange your homeschool day around your family's style and commitments.
HOW scheduled will you be?
- Every family has a unique level that works best.
- No matter how scheduled or relaxed you are, you'll find daily established routines are helpful tools.
Preparing & Planning for Your Homeschool

© Homeschool Iowa & Julie Naberhaus adapted from "The ABC's of Homeschooling in Iowa" by Julie Naberhaus
The habits of the child produce the character of the man.
~ Charlotte Mason