
Apr 28 2020


9:00 am - 11:00 am

Homeschool Skate at Cedar Rapids Ice Arena

Homeschool Skate with Instruction &/or Games
Cedar Rapids Ice Arena
Tuesdays, 9-11am

A lesson and/or games are offered at these 2-hour sessions.
For example, an instructor will be available for each Tuesday in October, and once-a-month in November-April, to teach a 30-minute lesson.

During November-December, 30-minutes of games will be offered.

There is a waiver a parent and/or guardian will need to sign at the first visit.

The cost for any session is $4 per skater, which includes the admission and skate rental.

NOTE: Homeschoolers are welcome to drop-in for skating on Wednesdays or Thursdays from 9-11am, as well, at the same price. No special instruction or organized games are offered on those days.

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