2023 Confessional Lutheran Homeschool League Conference
Homeschooling with Christ as the Firm Foundation
May 20, 2023
Holy Cross Lutheran Church
1100 Market St, Carlisle, Iowa
The homeschool families of Holy Cross Lutheran Church in Carlisle, Iowa are hosting a homeschool conference on Saturday, May 20, 2023. The conference, Built on the Rock...Homeschooling with Christ as the Firm Foundation, is dedicated to supporting current homeschoolers, equipping future homeschoolers, and encouraging those considering homeschooling from a confessional Lutheran perspective.
This year's keynote speaker is Rev. David Buchs from Concordia Lutheran Church in Fairhaven, Minnesota. His presentations will cover Moving to Solid Ground and Staying on Solid Ground. Other presentations includeTeaching the Classics and The Perils and Perks of Technology. Panels on Teaching Multi-age Children, Team Teaching & Coops, Homeschooling Myths, and Learning Styles will also be presented.
Conference exhibitors include:  David's Harp, Luther Classical College, Memoria Press, and Wittenberg Academy.
There is no charge to attend this event. Lunch and snacks will be provided. Limited childcare will be available.
The registration deadline is May 13, 2023.
Click here for a PDF with details.
Click here for the event website page.