2019 Homeschool Iowa Capitol Day
2019 Homeschool Iowa Capitol Day
This event is so much more than a day for homeschooling families to "lobby" our legislators!
It is an entertaining, educational, impacting experience!
Your family can provide legislators with "a face for homeschooling."
What an effective means to make a real difference!
Learn more about our government and state capitol, and take advantage of additional activities to complete your day.
Capitol tours are available, with advance signup required.
Displays will be located around the 1st floor Capitol rotunda.
Attendee families will have opportunities to visit with senators and representatives. Helpful training will be available for those who have never before visited the Capitol and chatted with their legislators.
A rotunda rally with speaker will close the event.
Complete details are available at homeschooliowa.org/events-page/capitol-day/.