STEP #6:
Choose Curriculum
Now You're Ready to Choose Curriculum
"Curriculum" ("curricula" is the plural form)
is your educational program, set of courses, or resource materials.
The choices you make as you choose curriculum will be based upon what you’ve learned in the last three pages of this Start Homeschooling guide.
- Your child's learning style
- Your teaching style or approach
- Your goals for your child

This step can seem overwhelming and confusing when you're starting your homeschool journey.
We're here to help!
Below, you'll find approaches, resources, and tips to help you choose curriculum for your homeschool.
What approaches are used to choose homeschool curriculum?

What resources are available to help choose curriculum?

Let children feed on the good, the excellent, the great.
-Susan Schaeffer MaCaulay
Are you looking for FREE OR low cost homeschool curriculum?
Here are a few possibilities:
What are some tips to help you choose Your Homeschool curriculum?
• Place a high priority on the basics: reading, math, and language.
• Add extras gradually as you become acclimated to the process.
• Be mindful that every home educator makes mistakes when buying curriculum. Most of us buy too much!
• Avoid curriculum that requires more advance teacher preparation than you're willing to do.
• Realize that, just because a resource works well for someone else, it might not necessarily work for you or for your child. That's the beauty of homeschooling. You can customize resources to you and your child).
• Understand that, if you don't like the material or its presentation, you'll probably not use it faithfully or effectively – no matter how good it is. If you pick something and it doesn't work, it's okay to change to something new. Most homeschoolers "test drive" different resources before finding the ones that work best for them.
• Stick with the resources that you find work for you and your children. Resist the urge to bolt to other options just because they're new or it seems everyone else is using them.
• Keep in mind that there is no "perfect" curriculum. Remember that curriculum resources are just tools – and they are often less important than other elements of your home school.
• Seek wisdom from God as you make your selections. By His grace, with a bit of effort, creativity, and devotion, you can teach your child effectively – with any curriculum He provides.
© Homeschool Iowa & Julie Naberhaus adapted from "The ABC's of Homeschooling in Iowa" by Julie Naberhaus