STEP #5: Establish Goals
Next, Let's Establish Goals
Take some time to think and pray about what you want to accomplish:
• What type of goals should you set?
• What are the goal-writing basics?
A prayerful commitment to establish goals now will help you greatly as you select curriculum and chart your homeschooling success.
What types of goals should you set?
"Education is the kindling of a flame,
not the filling of a vessel."

Goals should be recorded – even if they are scribbled in your diary, or quickly typed into a digital document.
That's because you'll be revisiting these goals throughout your school year to see how you're progressing.
• Goals can be long-term and short-term. You might be working toward some goals throughout your child's school years. Other goals might take only a few weeks to accomplish.
• Goals can be specific, objective, and measurable (as in academic areas), or more general, subjective and intangible (as in spiritual areas).
• Goals can be challenging or easy. Include some of each!
Remember as you set these goals that God chose you as your child's parent.
No one else knows your child better than you do.
Seek the Lord's wisdom and trust in Him
as you set goals for your child's homeschool program.
© Homeschool Iowa & Julie Naberhaus adapted from "The ABC's of Homeschooling in Iowa" by Julie Naberhaus