Homeschooling Styles & Tools

Homeschooling styles & tools are many and varied.

Browse this page to learn about the many different HOMESCHOOL TEACHING STYLES. Identify which one best fits you as a homeschooling parent.

Check the descriptions of the four most common STUDENT LEARNING STYLES, and determine which one most closely matches your child.

Find some ADDITIONAL HELPFUL TOOLS to assist you in your homeschooling efforts.

One of the beauties of home education is the flexibility and adaptability it provides. With dedicated parents as teachers and one-on-one personalized instruction for students, homeschooling offers exceptional potential as an educational choice.

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This is where the text for your Feature Box should go. It's best to keep it short and sweet.

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This is where the text for your Feature Box should go. It's best to keep it short and sweet.

Homeschool Teaching Styles

Student Learning Styles

Visual Learners

Visual Learners

Visual learners learn best when viewing symbolically presented information.
Auditory Learners

Auditory Learners

Auditory learners learn best when hearing spoken or audio-recorded information.
Read/Write Learners

Read/Write Learners

Read/Write learners learn best when reading information presented in written form.
Kinesthetic Learners

Kinesthetic Learners

Kinesthetic learners learn best when feeling information or moving while receiving information.

ADDITIONAL Homeschool Tools


One helpful -- and free -- resource is your local public library. If you don’t have a library card yet, get one! Of course, you can check out books, both fiction and nonfiction, but public libraries offer many additional resources. 

The State Library of Iowa also has a number of tools available. They can be accessed using your local library card, or you can obtain a State Library card to use them.

Read our blog article, "Check Out Your Local Library's Incredible FREE Resources."


Another very helpful - and free - resource is the Home School Legal Defense Association's  website.

There, you’ll find pages devoted to all types of homeschooling topics. Here are just a few:

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