
We are pleased, once again, to offer a professional development activity through Heartland AEA for teacher license renewal credit at our annual Homeschool Iowa Conference.

In 2021, our conference is scheduled on June 18-19.

To register for this professional activity, a participant must complete two signup steps:

Homeschool Iowa offers a professional development activity through Heartland AEA for teacher license or substitute authorization renewal credit at our annual Homeschool Iowa Conference.

In 2022, our conference is scheduled on June 10-11.

Find complete details and registration steps below. 

Participants will need to register both for the 2022 Homeschool Iowa Conference and with the Area Education Agency system for the course. 

Homeschool Iowa offers a professional development activity through Heartland AEA for teacher license or substitute authorization renewal credit at our annual Homeschool Iowa Conference. Details are available below. 

If you have completed one of these professional development activities and are seeking your course transcript, you'll find information here.

Signup Step #1

Register for the 2025 Homeschool Iowa Conference and pay the conference registration fee.

Signup Step #2

When available, use the AEA Professional Learning system to register and pay for the 2025 Homeschool Iowa Conference professional activity.



15 Hours of Keynote and Workshop Sessions

All course contact hours must be completed onsite during the actual event hours. With careful planning, participants can  meet course requirements by attending workshops during these times:

• Thursday, June 5, 7:00-8:30pm
Homeschooling 101 Session
• Friday, June 6, 8:30am-7:30pm
Conference Sessions
• Saturday, June 7, 8:00am-5:15pm
Conference Sessions

15 Hours Using Optional Collaboration Project

If course participants are unable to log 15 hours attending conference workshops, they can choose to supplement their attendance log by completing up to 2 contact hours collaborating with speakers, exhibitors, and Homeschool Iowa staff members during times between the workshop sessions.

Information on this collaboration project option will be available in the Friday morning course check-in at 8:15am.

Plan to attend the check-in session if you want to use this option and are unfamiliar with how it works.

Special Teacher-Only Events

Teacher Course Orientation Workshop

Friday, June 18

Provides complete instructions for course, 
including directions on how to complete
the new opportunity to log time spent 
collaborating with exhibitors and speakers.

A helpful Q&A session will also be offered 
with a panel of experienced supervising teachers.

Solving Curriculum Dilemmas  Workshop

Saturday, June 19

Sara Carothers, 
Rainbow Resource Consultant since 1992,
will be the speaker.

 She will offer advice and ideas 
for you to use when offering assistance 
to homeschooling families searching for curricula.

Additional Details

Teacher Course

All course participants will be required to complete a professional development activity assignment.

The assignment will include a section for logging the 15 contact hours completed to meet the requirement for the course.

The assignment will also include sections in which participants will share descriptions of the strategies, methods, insights, and/or resources about which they learned in each of the keynotes, workshops, or optional collaboration project sessions they completed to meet the activity minimum requirement of 15 hours.

The professional development activity assignment can be completed using our Teacher Credit Course Online Form or the traditional print version. 

Because the assignment cannot be completed before the conference commences, the form will not be made available until immediately before the conference..

A link to the online form and a PDF copy of the print form will be emailed to all participants who are registered in advance on the AEA system for this course.

Print versions of the assignment packet, which also include the link to the online version, will be available at the Friday morning check-in session and at the Homeschool Iowa Information booth in the foyer near registration check-in area.


& Makeup Policies

All course participants must complete the equivalent of 15 contact hours of collaborative instruction.

Only those who meet this requirement and submit a fully-completed course assignment will be eligible to receive a passing grade for the teacher renewal credit.

The optional course check-in session will be held at 8:30am on Friday, June 14. The orientation will provide a very brief overview of the credit course procedures and requirements. The 30-minute session can be applied toward the 15-hour attendance requirement.

The check-in session will also include instructions on how the optional collaboration project can be completed for up to 2 contact hours.

Check the conference schedule to determine which workshops you will attend toward completing the required 15 contact hours. 

There is no provision for makeup due to lack of attendance. 

If participants do not attend the conference or are not able to complete at least 15 contact hours onsite at the conference, they will not be allowed to complete the assignment and therefore, will not receive credit for this course.

Course Transcripts

Heartland AEA does not mail transcripts.

After the course concludes, the assignment submission deadline passes, and the instructor has finished reviewing the assignments and submitting grades, participants will receive an email that their transcript is available to download from their account in the AEA Professional Learning online system.


You may direct questions about the Homeschool Iowa teacher credit course to: [email protected].


"A teacher affects eternity;
he can never tell where his influence stops."

~Henry Adams


Join Us at the 2024 Homeschool Iowa Conference!