Homeschool Iowa CONFERENCE

Scott Woodruff has worked as an attorney for Home School Legal Defense Association since 1998, assisting thousands of home educating families in dealings with social workers, police officers, truant officers, principals, superintendents, and prosecuting attorneys.
Scott has represented HSLDA members in court and has appeared before many state legislatures to fight against repressive homeschool legislation. He is a frequent speaker at homeschool conferences and on radio programs across the country.
Learn more at:
After being a homeschool skeptic, Nancy began homeschooling her four children in 1992, and saw it work.
Now a mentor to homeschooling families, she has spoken at homeschool conferences in over 10 states where she is known for her enthusiasm, energy, and encouragement.
Her favorite times are spent with her growing family, including nine grandchildren.
She and her husband owned HEPPNER’S LEGACY, a homeschool store in Elk River, MN, for 18 years and are now learning what it’s like to have more free time as they make the handoff to the new owners.
Learn more at:
Where Do I Begin?
~ Nancy Bjorkman
Homeschool Legal Requirements in Iowa
~ Scott Woodruff
Exploring Homeschool Methods
~Nancy Bjorkman

Kristin Lackie is a homeschool parent and educator. She and her husband live in Minnesota and successfully launched their first K-12 homeschool graduate in 2023. Their second kiddo will graduate this spring. Woohoo! By God’s grace, her youngest two will make it through as well.
With an in-the-trenches perspective, Kristin brings humor and reality to what can sometimes feel like a daunting task – homeschooling all the way to graduation day.
Committed to saving both money and time, Kristin presents practical but often overlooked strategies to graduate college debt-free through credit-by-exam options and dual enrollment utilizing every available opportunity to maximize the middle and high school experience while casting a vision for college and beyond.
You can find her website here.
Jose Lopez is passionate about helping homeschool students uncover their unique potential and confidently plan for life after homeschooling. With a master’s degree in education from the University of Louisville, Jose has spent over ten years in higher education, gaining experience in Career Development, College Advising, Dual Credit, and Apprenticeship Studies.
His diverse professional background in corporate sales and human resources, enables him to bridge the gap between education and the professional world.
As the owner of Discover Your WIN, Jose is committed to guiding homeschool students and their families through Christ-centered career exploration, career preparation, and actionable steps toward their goals. Based in Ankeny, Iowa, Jose and his wife, Lindsy, homeschool their two sons.
You can find his website here.
Homeschool Through High School
~ Kristin Lackie
Simple Transcripts
~ Kristin Lackie
From Freshman to Future
~ Jose Lopez

Homeschooling 101 Mini-Conference
Thinking of homeschooling? Feeling overwhelmed? Don’t know where to start?
Take advantage of our Homeschooling 101 mini-conference.
Introductory workshops will
• walk you through Iowa homeschool law,
• give you guidance as you choose curriculum, and
• encourage you as you step into home education.
Homeschool Iowa is pleased to offer this Mini-Conference
at an special low admission rate for those who are exploring the option of home education.
Admission to this Mini-Conference is included in full-conference registration.
Retired NICHE Board Member & Regional Representatives Coordinator
1:00 - 2:00 p.m.
This workshop will help you think through the important steps needed to successfully homeschool. Polly will include how to overcome some of the obstacles and challenging questions that many will meet as beginning homeschoolers. The diverse approaches to homeschooling will be presented as well as examples and stories from her 17 years of home educating her children and 6 years as an supervising teacher. Resources will be shared and questions will be answered at the end of the session. We’ll cover some common roadblocks and misconceptions about “what school should look like” and also discuss many of the stages that homeschool families experience as they walk through the years. There will be a time for interaction and questions.
PRESENTER: Scott Woodruff
HSLDA Attorney for Iowa
2:15 - 3:15 p.m.
Iowa's homeschool laws can seem quite complicated and overwhelming. With multiple options, and varying requirements, the legal maze can seem like an obstacle course.
Home School Legal Defense Association attorney, Scott Woodruff, will provide you with everything you need to know about Iowa's homeschool laws so you can homeschool with confidence.
3:30 - 4:30 p.m.
Most parents who are considering home education ask questions about the end results of homeschooling. They want to know about socialization, about college admission, and about employability.
This presentation will allow you to meet and hear from a group of Iowa homeschool graduates. Hear them tell about their own experiences as homeschooled students. Find out what homeschooling has meant to them.
Special Thanks to our sponsor

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Learn more about our full Conference,
which includes the SPECIAL TRACKS