HOMESCHOOLIOWA.ORGAre you ready to create...
next year’s homeschool adventure ?
When you start planning your next homeschool year, we are here to help! Our
Curriculum Catalog
will be available in May and ready for you to browse,
mark up and flag pages as you research curriculum. Check out
our newest video workshops and curriculum videos on
YouTube! If you have questions, the Rainbow consultants
are available to chat online,
talk on the phone, or answer
questions through email.
*US only; excludes purchase orders.
LearningTools for Homes & Schools
www.rainbowresource.com• 888.841.3456
Watch our
new video series! https://youtu.be/bff-7LZzaPcCurriculum Questions? We’re here to help!
M-F, 8:30-5