Timeline Classic
Timeline Classic
is a highly engaging card game that en-
compasses multiple themes in one convenient package. Was
the pencil invented before Washington crossed the Dela-
ware? Find out in this incredibly engaging educational trivia
game. Each card has a different event/invention/etc. on it, and on the
opposite side of the card is the date in history that it occurred. Build the
timeline as you play. With multiple decks available and no repeat cards
across decks, you can add to the game the more familiar you become
with one deck. First player to successfully clear their hand wins.
Think you know which came first – the invention of mayonnaise or
decaffeinated coffee? Lincoln’s Gettysburg address or John Deere’s first
plow? Test your knowledge with
by Buffalo Games – the
game of all time! In
, each player builds his or her own time-
line of cards. On your turn, someone will read you a historical event
from a card. You decide where that event falls in your
timeline. If you are right, you keep the card and your
timeline grows. The first player to build a timeline of 10
cards wins!
Election Night
Election Night
is a multiple award winning game, where
two players or teams battle for critical electoral votes in a
gripping race for the presidency.
Global Ranking
Global Ranking
is a game for families who love geography and enjoy
learning about other countries, or like in my case, families who don’t
enjoy geography and wish to add a flare of fun to the subject. Players
each draw three country cards, then the Global Spinner indicates the
category players will vote on. Players choose the country they feel is the
most closely matches the category such as largest or
smallest population. Most players will have limited
knowledge of the various fact, but will use reason-
ing to determine which country to choose. Facts are
learned naturally as the play progresses.
Let’s Jet&Let’s Drive
Let’s Jet,
you can visit exotic locations from around
the world, and earn a point for each destination you stop
at. Visit the right combination of locations to receive help-
ful bonuses. The most well traveled player wins!
Let’s Drive
has you visiting scenic locations around the USA.
Eagle Chase
Learn interesting geographical and historical facts about some of
the most well-known (and not so well-known) locations in the United
States. Players travel the country, visiting as many lo-
cations as they can by playing their cards and rolling
the dice, while also trying to catch up with the Eagle
to earn extra points. The player with the most points
at the end of the game wins.
Do You Know Shakespeare
Literature and History overlap in so many in-
stances. They are two peas in a pod add depth and
enrichment when partnered together. Increase your
knowledge of Shakespeare and his literary works by
playing this fun trivia game. Place your book pawns
next to answers you believe are true. Receive a shilling for each posi-
tive point you earn by selecting a true answer. The player with the
most shillings after five rounds wins.
is a co-operative deduction game using characters cen-
tered on a common theme. Each version of the game comes with a
deck of thirty cards, beautifully illustrated showing the
portrait and the name of a series of characters with a
common theme like history. There are multiple decks
available including History, Myths, Animals, Fables, and
is a fun, fast playing card game, easy to fit
into a busy schedule or take on the go.
Continent Race
This interactive, brain engaging game helps families
learn about the continents, countries, and flags of the
world as they explore the world. While they’re having
fun they’ll develop problem solving, critical thinking
and communication skills too
Zeus on the Loose
This fun and fast-paced game combines math
and mythology helping you develop an under-
standing of Greek mythology while building your
mental math skills.
Game Night!
T H E M E : H I S T O R Y
A fewmonths ago, we had a discussion online about educational games that were history-
related. One of our Homeschool Iowa volunteers uses games as a regular part of her family’s
homeschool day. We asked her for some suggestions and she sent us a list of games that she
and her family use. We will also include suggestions from others in our discussion group! Do
you have a game your family enjoys? Email
[email protected]and tell us about it.