o say that we are excited about this year’s conference is an
understatement. Planning for much of this year’s confer-
ence began back in 2019 when we had no idea that our
2020 conference would end up being cancelled. Then this year, we
were recently faced with the fact that our 2021 conference venue
would not be finished on time due to construction delays. We are
nowmoving our conference to the beautiful Grand View University
campus in Des Moines.
We were forced to pivot, to make a crucial decision that would
change everything. Many of you have faced similar circumstances
over the past year.You have been in a positionwhere you needed to
make a significant change because that was what was best for your
family. For many of you, this meant bringing your children home to
educate them, and you found yourself on this homeschool journey.
For others, you continued to homeschool as you had before, but
things still looked different.
As we have waited for this conference to actually come to frui-
tion, we are realizing that the pivots we have all been compelled to
make are reaping many benefits.
Families have had more time together and have grown closer to
each other. The number of homeschooling families has more than
doubled, maybe even tripled, since we began planning for this
conference more than two years ago.
We are thrilled for the opportunity to serve more homeschool
families and to do that with an in-person conference, which is quite
uncommon this year. Our new venue, Grandview University in Des
Moines, has a beautiful campus and will be a great place for our con-
ference. As your conference planning team, we have refined and re-
designed our offerings to bring you a conference that will encourage
you wherever you are on your homeschool journey and point you in
the direction that God wants for your family for the upcoming year.
We are offering exciting new registration options to our Homeschool
Iowa members, which you will find on our website.
Our speaker lineup this year is amazing and includes keynote
speakers Heidi St. John and Rob Rienow, as well as many other awe-
some workshop presenters. These speakers bring not only a wealth
of knowledge about homeschooling but also a deep well of wisdom
and insight regarding God’s word, marriage, and parenting – all the
things that matter the most as we strive to raise our children.
New this year are our special tracks which are specialized confer-
ences within a conference. Our Beginning Homeschooling track will
offer new or potential homeschoolers a chance to learn about Iowa
homeschool law, hear from experienced homeschool moms, and
ask all of their questions. Our Homeschooling Special Needs Track
will feature speaker Peggy Ployhar along with exhibitors who can
help families meet their children’s special learning needs. Our Home-
schooling High School and Beyond track will spotlight Carol Becker
from HSLDA and will also feature a college and career fair. This will
be a tremendous resource for parents and
teens approaching or in the high school
Teens will also want to check out our
teen track workshops which are occurring
throughout the entire conference.
And, of course, our amazing KIDS TREK
children’s program is always a popular
choice for parents attending the confer-
ence who want their younger children to
enjoy an amazing weekend experience
as well.
This year, once again, we are offering
our Make & Take Workshops. In them,
you will learn about a special topic and
then create a related item to take home
with you. These workshops have limited
space, so be sure to sign up soon if you
are interested.
Many more opportunities will be fea-
tured at our conference this year, in-
cluding exhibit hall shopping, a licensed
teacher renewal credit course, special
meal events, and much more.
We are eager to see the new faces of
homeschooling who will be joining us for
the first time. We are also delighted to see
the familiar faces of homeschooling who will be connecting with
us once again.
You’re all invited! We have a place for you. We are expectantly
waiting for you and are eager for you to be a part of the 2021
Homeschool Iowa Conference!
P l a n n i n g t h e H o m e s c h o o l I o w a 2 0 2 1 C o n f e r e n c e !
A few of the members of our Conference Planning Team were privileged to tour the brand-
new MidAmerican Energy RecPlex, prior to its completion this spring! Our 2021 Conference has
moved to Grand ViewUniversity, but we still enjoyed the opportunity to visit this new facility. Left
to Right: Sarah Roth, Assistant Volunteer Coordinator; Dawn Cowman, Conference Coordinator;
Julie Nieberhaus, Homeschool Iowa Administrative Assistant; KimBlom, Conference Coordinator;
and Jill Oppman, Volunteer Coordinator
As we have
for this
to actually
come to
we are
that the
pivots we
have all been
to make
are reaping
many benefits.