HOMESCHOOLIOWA.ORGA couple Sundays ago, as the bread was being passed during communion, I leaned over to my daughter as she partook.
”That is Christ’s body - He was broken for you. Thank Jesus as you eat it!”
Suddenly, I was convicted by my own words:
“He was broken for you”.
And as I sat there, feeding off my Savior, it was as if I heard...
“Lauren, Christ was broken for you. Lauren, Christ was emptied for you. Yet do you hold your own body so tightly? Do you hold your
own cup so closely?”
Instantly, I recalled how many times
(just that week)
I had resisted being broken and being emptied. I had resisted when my
daughter needed yet another cup of water, I had resisted when my son needed yet another diaper change, I had resisted when
my baby needed yet another nursing session, I had resisted whenmy husband needed yet another kiss. But, Christ did not resist
for me. Even to the point of BLOODSHED.
Mamas, how dare we resist being broken and emptied if Christ did not resist giving His very life blood for us?
How dare we expect to end a day feeling filled and whole when Christ’s own body was used up and poured out for us?
Indeed, we OUGHT to end each day feeling emptied and broken -- not in spirit, but in body. For we were given bodies to wear
out and use up. In doing so, our souls will be filled. So break off and pour out with me today, dear mama. Do it freely, for Christ
has done even more for you.
F r e e l y H e G a v e , F r e e l y W e O u g h t t o G i v e