M e e t t h e H o m e s c h o o l I o w a B o a r d o f D i r e c t o r s
Joe and Eliza-
beth Bailey have
been married since
2012 and have six
children. As second
generation home-
both value the edu-
they benefited from
and are passionate about protecting home-
school freedoms for their own children and
for future generations.
Joe and Elizabeth both started volunteer-
ing for Homeschool Iowa during their teen
years. Additionally, Joe was involved with
his local homeschool choir, 4-H, First Lego
League, and running his own lawn care busi-
ness. Elizabeth was involved in TeenPact,
4-H, and working as an Iowa Capitol Page.
Joe went on to receive his B.S. degree in
Mechanical and Welding Engineering from
LeTourneau University. Elizabeth earned a
B.A. degree in Social Sciences from Thomas
Edison University. Joe now works as a weld
engineer at Vermeer Corp., while Elizabeth
works as a stay-at-home mom. Elizabeth
enjoys serving Homeschool Iowa in various
capacities, and Joe is currently serving as
Homeschool Iowa President.
Jill Oppman and
have been married
since 1985. They
have four adult chil-
dren who were all
homeschooled, and
they are also proud
When their old-
est child was nearing kindergarten age a
seasoned homeschool couple approached
them and asked if they had ever considered
homeschooling. They had never even heard
of homeschooling! With direction from this
veteran couple, they jumped in and never
looked back! One of the greatest bless-
ings of homeschooling was the closeness it
brought to their family. Jill enjoys sharing
her homeschool experiences with others as
a way to encourage and help them navigate
their own journey. The Oppmans have been
volunteering for Homeschool Iowa in a vari-
ety of ways for many years, and Jill currently
serves as our Capitol Day Coordinator and is
a Homeschool Iowa Regional Representa-
tive. Darren served on the Homeschool Iowa
board for three years and retired in 2020.
Daniel and Erin
Watkins have been
married since 2013.
They have recently
been blessed with
an opportunity to
adopt and are rais-
ing the next genera-
tion to know, love,
and serve the Lord!
Daniel was born and raised in Minnesota
where he was the first in his family to be
home educated from K-12. He volunteered
with the Minnesota Association of Chris-
tian Home Educators’ annual conference
for several years. Erin grew up in Iowa and
was homeschooled for the majority of her
education. She has served in various capaci-
ties with Homeschool Iowa over the past 15
years, from volunteering at the conferences
and other events, to being involved with co-
ordinating the Homeschool Iowa graduation
for several years. Daniel and Erin are excited
about the growth of home education in Iowa
and are working toward is fostering stronger
relationships between homeschoolers and
their churches.
Bob and Cathy
Sorensen have been
married since 1983
and homeschooled
two children K-12
who are now both
college graduates,
married, and enjoy-
ing their careers.
Bob has a technology background and
has served in leadership positions on small
business, non profit and ministry boards.
Together they have served together on the
HEED Board, a local homeschool group,
and The Network Board in the Des Moines
metro area. Cathy has also served as a HEED
president twice and as Mentor Mom for 20
years. She is currently our Homeschool Iowa
Regional Representatives and Special Needs
Advisors coordinator. Bob is the Homeschool
Iowa Board Vice-President.
George and Kim
Blom have been
married since 1993
and homeschooled
four children K-12,
all of whom have
now graduated. Two
of their children are
married, and Kim
and George now have a grandchild as well.
George and Kim have both served in lead-
ership positions in their local homeschool
group in Pella and taught courses in a local
homeschool co-op. George serves on the
Homeschool Iowa Board Executive Commit-
tee and Kim is the Homeschool Iowa Confer-
ence Coordinator.
Aaron and Emily
Forsyth joined the
board at the end
of 2020 and are
our newest Home-
school Iowa Board
members. They’ve
been married since
2003 and have four
school-aged children.
Aaron is a software engineer and Emily
has served in leadership for her local Classi-
cal Conversations group for over a half-doz-
en years. Emily’s creativity has already been
a great blessing to Homeschool Iowa and
we look forward to both Aaron and Emily’s
ongoing contributions to our organization.