HOMESCHOOLIOWA.ORGToday I read these verses: “…whoever sows sparingly will also
reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap
bountifully.” (2 Cor. 9)
Now, I know this was written in regard to a particular
church’s monetary gift; however, today it struck me
that it might also apply to how mothers care for their
It is tempting to sow sparingly in our homes, is it
not?We take shortcuts — like throwing PB&J in front
of our kids for the third time in a week. We settle
for convenience — like yelling at a child from the
couch instead of getting up to address a problem.
We save our energy — like saying “no” to going
on that bike ride our children are begging for or
filling that cup of milk for the third time or giving
our husband that back rub he has requested.
But there is another way. The way of sowing
bountifully. What if, instead of that easy PB&J,
we made the effort to create a lovely dinner
with homemade apple pie? What if, instead
of sitting on the couch a bit longer, we got up
and looked into the eyes of our child to calmly
correct or discipline them? What if we went on
that bike ride, filled that cup with more milk,
and rubbed our husband’s back when he came
home from work?
What if we gave bountifully? Well, we would
reap bountifully.
If this all sounds exhausting, take heart. The
scripturepassagedidn’tendthere. Itwentontosay,
“He who supplies seed to the sower and bread for
food will supply and multiply your seed for sowing
and increase the harvest of your righteousness. YOU
every way, which through us will produce thanksgiving
to God.” Your Heavenly Father — your Seed Supplier —
will not only supply, but alsomultiply your seed for sowing
and will INCREASE the harvest of your righteousness.
Ask the Lord to do what He says He will do. Ask Him to show
you where you are sowing sparingly -- to open your eyes to the
needs, however great or small, of your household. Ask Him for the
seed supply, the energy and desire, to sow bountifully. Ask Him to
enrich and fill you in EVERY way so youmight also be generous in EVERY
way. Ask Him to multiply, to expound upon, and to increase your efforts.
Go sow bountifully, and watch Him supply your seed and increase your
harvest. For He who promised is faithful.
Sow Bountifully