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pathway to success!

Superior Solutions

A Consulting Program for Homeschoolers

• Pre-Academic Assessment

in math, reading, writing, comprehension, and

for dyslexia, autism, and other concerns

• Curriculum Evaluation

exploring various approaches and helping you find

the appropriate grade level curricula for your child

• Diagnostic Training

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• Record Keeping

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• Academic Tutoring &


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Educational Resources Associates

Nationwide Tutoring Services

to change lanes and go another direction within that same career!

Now permit me to meddle a little bit. As parents, we want our

kids to know that God loves them and has a wonderful plan for

their lives; right? But does it seem to them that everybody else

has a plan for them?Wemust be careful not to project our desires

for their vocation (perhaps because it’s our vocation) and help

them learn to followGod’s desires for their future. Very few things

in life causemore stress than trying to be somebody you are NOT!

So it’s important that we encourage our kids to be themselves so

they can come to a place in their lives where they can say with

certainty, “That’s ME! This is how God made me! This is what I was

created to do!”

Something my wife and I have tried to do is feed whatever in-

terest our kids express by giving them the tools and opportuni-

ties required to explore that passion!

A little more meddling. Do you have the mindset that a higher

education degree is critical for your sons or daughters to have a

successful career? Please rethink this. Obviously, there are some

career paths which require this, such as engineering, medical, law,

etc., but there are many career options which can be achieved via

apprenticeship training (earning while you learn) or other trades

training programs. Too often the skilled trades are overlooked

as an option – perhaps because this is not our background or

because we have believed the lie that a college education is re-

quired for success in life. This lie has been pushed in the public

school system for more than a half century. And buying into this

for decades – along with the removal of shop classes – has cre-

ated a massive gap in the skilled trade workforce in our country.

For example, it is estimated in the next 10 years there will be a

shortage of over 400,000 welders to fill the need in that craft. And

it’s a similar situation for other skilled trades.

Let me close with a personal story. In 1967, I was a freshman

in high school and an FFA (Future Farmers of America) member.

Part of that membership involved a vocational agriculture shop

class, which included welding. We didn’t have a welder at home

and my dad didn’t have those skills, so this was my first expo-

sure to welding. This one semester in high school shop class was

where I was introduced to welding, and this is what sparked (pun

intended) my interest in the craft. I am so thankful my small rural

town high school had a shop class and that I took advantage of

the opportunity to be in FFA, because here I am, 52 years later

with 48 years in the welding trade! And for the past 25 years I’ve

owned and operated my own company, traveling all over this

great country providing on-site welding training teaching oth-

ers the skills and knowledge I’ve learned through a lifetime in

my career. Most importantly, I am passionate about promoting

my craft to others — especially to young people who, like me

so many years ago, are looking for their niche in life! What’s my

point? You never know what experience will be a defining event

that God will use to direct your sons or daughters in their journey

toward a career!

One final word. The path to your sons’ or daughters’ discovery

of the career path God has shaped them for is a process, a con-

tinuing journey, not a specific destination. Let’s be diligent to en-

courage them in the process!

Rick and Dawn have four children, ages 16 through 27, who were homeschooled all the

way through high school. They have six grandchildren. Rick is the owner/operator of Weld-

ing Training Solutions, Inc.