FALL 2021
Homeschool Iowa Leadership Update
omeschool Iowawould like to recognize and thank
outgoing board members Dan and Erin Watkins
and Aaron and Emily Forsyth for their service to
Homeschool Iowa. They have all contributed so much to
the growth and development of Homeschool Iowa and
have truly been integral parts of Homeschool Iowa’s vi-
sion to support and encourage Iowa homeschool families.
Thank you, Watkins and Forsyths, for your faithful service!
We would also like to welcome Aaron and Rhea Bender
and Jeremy and Jodi Vos to the HI board. We are excited
to have these couples join us to continue the work that
Homeschool Iowa is doing.
Seven members of the Homeschool Iowa Board and staff
were able to attend the annual national homeschool leader
conferences in late September.
The Alliance Conference is a gathering of state home-
school organization leaders whomeet to exchange ideas
and encouragement. The HSLDA Leadership Conference
provides programming and speakers to equip home-
school leaders across the nation and beyond.
Those attending at least one of
the conferences representing
Homeschool Iowa were
(left to right, above):
Elizabeth Bailey, Joe Bailey,
Amber Smith, Aaron Bender,
Rhea Bender, Kim Blom, and
George Blom.