FALL 2021
erhaps you have heard the phrase, “only for the glory of God.”
This is a theme that runs through the entire Bible, that all of
creation exists for His glory. If this is true, then God created
your family
to glorify Him. But what exactly is “the glory of God”?
The greatest gift homeschooling offers is not the newfound time
you have all reclaimed. Nor is it the ability to explore and learn as you
please. It is not academic achievements, though these are often what
is celebrated because we can measure the results each year instead
of over lifetimes. The greatest gift isn’t even the ability to spend more
time together.
The greatest gift homeschooling has to offer is the ability to build
life-long relationships with your children.
Your relationships will outlast the lesson books, the crayon marks
on the wall, and your most beloved board game. Make sure that nur-
turing your relationships is one of the goals you have written down
this school year.
Dear parent, you hold the opportunity to help build something
Does that feel weighty? It should. The difficult part is keeping rela-
tionships central. Throughout the school year, there are educational
demands that need to be met. There is pressure to achieve academic
success and accomplish necessary milestones. Together you might
have learning challenges to overcome this year that seem like your
greatest task ever. These all are vital, foundational, and yet remain
secondary to the calling we have as parents to keep our relationships
in focus and nurture them.
Don’t miss the mark this school year. As you read this magazine,
with articles filled with tools and tips to help you homeschool in the
best way for your family, may you carry this little reminder: the most
important work is looking at you every morning. You child is the rea-
son you opened these pages: to learn, grow, and be challenged. Your
precious child is worth every hour of prep and prayers.
You have what it takes to meet their needs because God chose you
to do the job.
Each day is a blessed do-over. This school year you will have op-
portunities to show your child how to say you are sorry. You will also
show them how to forgive. You will have opportunities to be humble
and say,“I don’t know.” You will laugh, and at some point, you will cry.
Relationships are sometimes hard work. Don’t be discouraged if you
feel like you have ground to make up in your relationships. You can
learn together.
There is no finish line for parenting. One of the things we share
with our kids is that we keep learning and growing year after year. As
parents, we offer the best version of ourselves with each lesson, and
our kids get to witness the fruit of our example. You deserve a cap
and gown for all the growing you must do as a parent.
These life lessons will never be measured on a standardized test,
yet they are the very heart of homeschooling.
This year, along with your academic goals and must-do life skills,
make an intentional effort to create an environment of praise,
constant communication, and honest warmth. Make relationships
an intentional goal in your homeschool.
As a homeschool family for the last twenty years, my adult kids
remember a few of their favorite books from our homeschooling
years and very little of their high school math lessons, but the minutes
spent listening and loving them has laid a foundation that is eternal.
Praying this school year is your best one yet.
Amber Smith is the mother of ten agents of growth and change. She blogs at
www.200fingersandtoes.comThe Greatest Gift of