Upper Grades:
Science in the upper grades is another fre-
quent topic of discussion. In response to a
question about what other families use for gen-
eral high school science, Jennifer J. said they
had started using Master Books with her old-
est studying life science and her younger child
studying astronomy. Jennifer said that both of
her kids appreciated themix of books and videos
to learn from, and that her daughter
loves that it makes her think deeper and ask bet-
ter questions.”
Aaron B. Said that his family also
uses Master Books and appreciates the Christian
worldview of the curriculum.
Melissa L. recommends Schoolhouseteachers.
com because of their wide variety of options.
(Bonus! You get 3 months of Schoolhouse
Teachers FREE with a Homeschool Iowa mem-
Kae M. Said
“We are liking the ‘Friendly’ series.
We’re currently making our way through ‘Friend-
ly Biology.’ We subscribe to the videos as well as
use the textbook and workbook. There are labs
withmore basic materials as well.”
Kristyn Y. also
recommends the Friendly courses.
Brooke L. has been pleased with the DIVE sci-
ence classes, an online option with an online
textbook, video lecture, and labs. She said that
her son is planning to do chemistry with Dr. Wile
through the Berean Builders curriculumnext year.
One of our Regional Representatives,
Shellie A., said that she and her kids
enjoyed studying forensics one year.
Shellie developed a unit study using Fo-
rensic science books from Rainbow Resources,
Christian Book Distributors, and other sources.
Penny S. and Annie N. said that they use the
BJU Press distance learning science classes with
Annie saying
“It’s a bit labor intensive, but it’s SO
amazing! Once you beat the learning curve to get
it organized, it’s seriously wonderful because it has
everything you need in one place! It’s super colorful,
and the teachers are great.”
Teresa O. reminded us that the local
collage is a great source for science class-
es when your kids are in high school.
They could take Biology 101, Chemistry
101, or other basic science classes there.
Andrea V. is in the researching stage of
building out the biology curricula for her 10th
grader. She shared the list of options that she
is considering
“in hopes that it gives you some
ideas too.”
She also said,
“I’m leaning toward
something that has a video component to it but
also uses a textbook. I’m considering Devotional
Biology (Compass Classroom), Friendly Biology
(and maybe adding in the Biology 101 DVDs),
Science Shepherd, DIVE Biology, and Guest Hol-
low Biology.”
For Biology, Cathy S., our Regional
Representatives Coordinator, said that
her family was very happy with Abeka
“The textbook is so well written,
much like the living books we were used to, and
the lab portionwas fun and fit inwith our hands-
on style. We invited three other students to join
us for the labs, and it was a great experience. We
included a few field trips as well (one to the ani-
mal lab in Ames). It was one of the few textbooks
that included the Human Body, which, for me, as
a nurse, was important too.”
For Chemistry, Lisa C., Anne C., and Aaron B.
all recommend the older editions of the Apo-
logia curriculum. Teresa O. said that Dr. Wile
republished that older text as“Discovering De-
sign with Chemistry.”Lauren J. is a homeschool
graduate who says
“I’m a homeschool alumni
who was not wired for chemistry, but LOVED
Friendly Chemistry was also recommended
by several people including Cindy W., who
“I finally understand chemistry!”
Each Monday in the Homeschool Iowa Discussion Group on Facebook
we have a feature we call “Across the Street & Around the State.” We ask
questions and seek to learn more about each other. We know that not
sion to the magazine, choosing some of our most popular topics to share
and expand on. For this issue, we’re talking about science curriculum! In
the next couple of issues, we will talk about math, language arts, history,
and other electives. If you have resources to recommend please email
them to us at
[email protected]so that we can include your
recommendations in the discussion.
We have highlighted recommendations from our team of Regional
Representatives with a “Pro Tip” icon. These ladies are experienced home-
schooling moms who are available to help you. Find them on our website
Curricula &
So many great options were
mentioned in our online science
discussions that we thought it
would be easiest for you to do
some of your own research if we
simply listed the options
mentioned here!
• Abeka Science
• Answers in Genesis
• Apologia
• Berean Builders Science
• BJU Press Science
• Compass Classroom
• CrossWired Science
• DIVE Science
• Easy Peasy (All-In-One Homeschool)
• Friendly Science
• Guest Hollow Science
• How Does God Do That?
• Magic School Bus kits
• MasterBooks
• Pearson Science
• Science in the Beginning
• Science Shepherd
SchoolhouseTeachers.com• Spangler Science kits
• TOPS Science
Online Catalogs with a wide
variety of options:
• Christian Book Distributors
• Home Science Tools
• Nature’s Workshop (also has a store)
• Rainbow Resources
Additional places to look for
inspiration and study tools:
• Local Library
• NASA website & YouTube channel
• Science Museums, in person and check
their websites. Many of these museums
have online demonstrations, or supple-
mental study information designed for
• Science kits at retail stores - Hobby
Lobby, bookstores, WalMart, etc...
• STEM Fairs
• YouTube kids’science channels
• Zoo websites