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FALL 2018



hrough the lens of social media I have seen many “first day

of school” pictures, beautiful and organized homeschool

rooms, and simple set-ups with happy kids and workbooks at

the kitchen table. I have also seen second or third day (or week) of

school cries for help and encouragement from discouraged parents

walking the path of homeschooling, but feeling like they are failing

their kids.

Over and over again I’ve tried to reach out and encourage those

who are feeling discouraged by the day to day struggles of teach-

ing kids who would rather play than do lessons. Or those parents

frustrated by family members or friends who are not supportive of

their desire to homeschool their children. Or those families who are

simply dealing with difficult life circumstances while also home-

schooling their children. Throughout all of these conversations, I

keep saying again and again “you CAN do this!”

Several years ago my husband preached a message based on

the story of

The Little Engine that Could.

This story has been edited,

tweaked, modernized, printed in many forms, turned into a movie,

and in 2007 was named one of the“Teachers’Top 100 Books for Chil-

dren” by the National Education Association. But, through all of the

changes, the message of perseverance shared in this story has not

changed since it was first published in 1906 in the

New York Tribune


Today I want to encourage you with some of the simple life lessons

my husband shared in his message.

First - the engine knew its job and knew where it was going.

Homeschooling parent - you know your job, you know what you

want to accomplish, you knowwhere to find help. Most importantly

- remember that God knew when he placed your children in your

care that you would be enough for them. You are qualified to raise

your children. You are qualified to educate your children and to get

help with that process if you need to. You CAN do this.

Second - the engine believed it could do the job.

The engine started by saying“I think I can.”The engine didn’t start

by saying “maybe I can.” It said, “I think I can.” Not I think that big

engine over there can, not I think that shiny engine in the yard can,

but “I think I can.”

Winston Churchill once said, “Attitude is a little thing that can

make a big difference.” Believing that you CAN is the first step to-

wards success in any undertaking. The way you homeschool may be

different than the way your neighbor, best friend, or even parents

homeschool - and that is ok. The one thing you have in common

with every other homeschooling parent you meet is the belief that

you CAN homeschool your own children. Don’t let the discourage-

ment of the moment rob you of your confidence.

Third - the engine had the courage necessary to try to do

something new

. The engine had spent its life in the train yard do-

ing its job. When this new challenge came along the engine was

willing to take it on. By being willing, the engine was able to leave

the small world of the train yard, climb a beautiful mountain and

coast into a peaceful valley.

The rewards of homeschooling are sometimes hard to quan-

tify but always worth the effort. I have been blessed over and over

again by experiences we would never have had if we had not de-

cided to homeschool our children. I was there when they learned

to read. I’ve discovered new authors as my kids reach out for more

literature. We’ve stopped in little museums that turned out to be full

of fascinating history - because it supported something we were

learning in school. Take courage - and stay strong in your decision to

homeschool. And, if something you are doing is not working, have

the courage to change it.

If you are having a rough time with homeschooling right now,

reach out for help. Struggle does not equal failure. At Homeschool

Iowa, we have Regional Reps across the state who are ready to come

alongside you and be a mentor or help you find a mentor. Also, our

Homeschool Iowa Discussion Group on Facebook can put you in

touch with hundreds of other homeschooling families across the

state. Don’t isolate yourself, reach out and find a community to be a

part of. Sometimes we all need someone to remind us that we can.

Jenn Warren is a homeschooling, work-at-home freelance graphic

designer, and mom of two who loves fonts, graphic elements, and white

space almost as much as she loves her husband. Jenn serves as the editor

for Homeschool Iowa magazine and as NICHE marketing director.

I Think I Can