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here is no one who is more invested in a child’s life than

their mother. No one, aside from God, loves them more.

No other human on the planet has their best interest at

heart. (This is true of dads as well, but the nurturing role of a

mother is unique.) Yet, sometimes we moms become so busy

with the everyday, practical aspects of mothering that we ne-

glect the most important thing we can do for our children which

is to pray for them.

As a mom, I knowmy children better than anyone. I know their

weaknesses and their strengths. But, as much as I love my chil-

dren, I do not know everything about their hearts and minds. It

is good to ask our children directly how we can pray for them.

I have learned so much about

my children, both their joys and

sorrows, by asking specific ques-

tions over the years.

When you ask these questions,

be prepared for answers that

may surprise you. Be prepared to

feel hurt from time to time. But,

most of all, listen and show no

shock or judgement. Show only

love and concern. It is a gift if your child chooses to open up

to you. They do not have to do so. When they respond to your

lovingly expressed questions, it is not the time for correction or

instruction. Please don’t misunderstand me. There is definitely a

time for correction and instruction. But it is not at this time. As

they share their hearts with you, your only response should be

to listen, love, encourage, and assure them of your prayers. Many

times, especially as our children get older, they know the Biblical

response to their struggles. They just need to talk it through with

someone who is there to listen and encourage. I think it goes

without saying that, with the exception of our husbands, we

should keep what they share with us in confidence. (I do have

a couple of dear friends who love my children and know how

to keep things private, and a couple of my children have given

me their permission and blessing to share most of their strug-

gles with these friends. In fact, it encourages them to know my

friends are praying for them. But I would not share without their

permission.) Here are some questions that I will periodically ask

my children.

1) How can I specifically pray for you?

2) What is the nicest thing about your life right now?

3) What is the hardest thing about your life right now (perhaps

something out of their control)?

4) What is your biggest personal struggle right now (perhaps

an attitude and/or sin struggle)?

5) How is your relationship with God right now?

6) What is your biggest relationship problem right now?

7) If you could change one thing about me, what would it be?

(This doesn’t necessarily mean we should change it, but it gives

us an opportunity to either explain why we have chosen to do

that particular thing, or if the child is correct, to work on correct-

ing our own character flaws. This is by far the most humbling

question to ask! I will be honest and say that I do not ask this

question very often!)

I have compiled a list of 31 ways to pray for my children. Some

of the things on the list are original with me; some I copied from

others. Each day I pray for all my children concerning the one

that coincides with that day of the month. Here is my list.

1) That they will accept Christ as their Savior.

2) For their future spouse or for contentment in being single,

whichever the Lord has for them.

3) That their identity would be in Christ.

4) That they will not have a fear of man but will desire only to

please God.

5) That they will be like Daniel

and Esther, having the courage

to stay strong and stand against

the culture when the culture

does not honor or please God.

6) That they will have self-con-

trol and self-discipline.

7) That they will be humble.

8) That they will be kind and


9) That they will have a grateful and content spirit.

10) That they will have godly friends who point them to Christ.

11) That they will have godly adults in their lives who point

them to Christ.

12) That they will be caught when guilty.

13) That their minds will be pure.

14) That they will understand that people will disappoint

them, but that they should love them anyway. That they will re-

alize that only God will never let us down.

15) That their eyes will be protected from seeing evil.

16) That they will not have idols, even idols that can appear to

be good.

17) That they will be in God’s Word daily.

18) That they will be obedient to authority.

19) That they will have wisdom and discernment.

20) That trials will draw them closer to the Lord and not make

them bitter.

21) That they will be wisely generous with their time, talents,

money and material possessions.

22) That they will be a godly example to others.

23) That they will desire only what truly matters.

24) That God will keep them safe.

25) That they will use their tongue for kindness and not harm.

26) That they will be others-oriented.

27) For their future.

28) For a sense of purpose

29) For their relationships

30) For purity

31) For their health

On a practical level, if you are struggling with the details of

“...we must be as diligent to pray for

our compliant children as we are

for our more stubborn children.”

Prayer Warriors for Our Children